His insecurity

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Dipper's POV:

I put my book down when a sudden thought occurs to me.

I bookmark the page and walk to the living room where Bill is.

I see him sitting on the couch, writing promises that he made to Will, while he tries to remember a specific one, so he'll be able to find him.

I lightly tap him on his shoulder.

He must have been really focused, because he jumps when I do.

He looks up and tries to play off his initial reaction, giving me a sheepish smile.

I smile.

"So.... question?" I ask.

Bill raises an eyebrow.

"Well... I was just thinking about it... and I know that you have a scar or something on your eye because that guy attacked you with that dagger..... "

I meet his eyes, " Why are you still hiding it from me?"

He tenses slightly.

I sigh and sit beside him.

"Bill, you know all of my secrets, weaknesses, and insecurities. I... I just don't want you to hide a part of yourself from me.... You usually wear your eye patch... and I mean your face is a little shinier on that side of your face which could be a glamour... and...." I trail off with my babbling.

He's looks down at his lap.

"I-It's not a scar......."

"Why won't you show me? Bill seriously. How many times do I have to tell you that you're beautiful for you to believe it?" I ask, a hint of frustration in my tone.

"I-I.... Mase.... it's just......." He trails off.

I lean in close and kiss him, lightly rubbing his shoulders to try to relieve his tension.

'Babe I love you just the way you are. Always. Can I please just see?' I ask in his mind.

I pull back after a few moments to look at him.

Bill looks up at me, sighs, looks down, then looks back up in quick succession.

Finally, after some hesitation, he nods.

I gently pull him closer.

I reach forward, keeping my hand in sight because he's a little jumpy and gently pull off his triangular eye patch.

I see nothing at first, but then I notice that his skin is still shiny.

I climb onto his lap and lean forward, gently kissing his eye with a little magic and the glamour dissipates.

He keeps his eyes closed.

"Baby, can I please see your pretty eyes?"

He doesn't respond at first, so I lightly tickle his sides till he opens them when he laughs.

I stop when I'm sure he'll keep them open, and I cradle his face in my hands.

I look at the eye he's always hiding and notice that his pupil is a light shade of purple and then... there's an entire galaxy surrounding it.

 there's an entire galaxy surrounding it

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