Waltzing under the moonlight

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Last Chapter: 'My little Pinetree is my light.

And he's apparently a cuddle bug too.

I close my eyes and see him dreaming about our day from his point of view.

I make sure his dream stays good and I eventually drift off as well. '
-A week later-
Dipper's POV:

"Come on Pinetree. Let me see."

I shake my head, even though he can't see it, hiding further behind the curtains.

So Bill found out about me wanting to be an elf for halloween from my dreams apparently, and he summoned the outfit in my dream and told me to go try it on.

So I tried it on in my bathroom and now I'm hiding.

He whines, "Piiiiinnnnneeeetttrrreeeeeeeee."

I shake my head again, embarrassed.

He stays silent for a moment, then the curtains move away.

I give an 'eep'.

Bills eyes widen and a blush covers his face, while his jaw drops.

He drools.

Actually drools.

Then he shakes his head and picks me up, kissing me full on my lips.

I hear him say in my mind, 'Why were you hiding Pinetree? You look so sexy!'

Then he kisses my neck, before pulling back.

I just kind of exist there, blushing.

He thinks I'm sexy?

My face reddens more.

Bill smirks and kisses my nose.

"Yes I do. And I have to say, you're the sexiest elf I've ever seen."

My face probably looks like red is my natural color by now.

Fuck! I forgot he could read minds!

He chuckles and carries me to my living room and sits me on the couch.

Then he covers my eyes with one hand, snapping his fingers with the other.

When he moves his hand, I see the hottest damn werewolf I've ever seen.

I promptly have a similar reaction to Bill.

He chuckles and walks forward, sitting on my lap.

My face becomes more red, if at all possible.

He kisses me again, wrapping his arms loosely around my neck.

I wrap my arms around him and melt into the kiss.

Then I hear my front door open and someone walk in.

"So are we still going to the party guy- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Bill pulls back and I see Paz over his shoulder.

I hide my face in the crook of his neck.


I try hiding further.

I mumble, "What is it, national embarrass dipper day?"

Bill and Paz say "no" at the same time.

"Then whyyyyyyyyy,"I whine.

Bill kisses the top of my head.

"You're adorable when you're embarrassed Pinetree~💙."

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