Chapter 4

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"Another marriage proposal for you."  Phillip places at least a dozen letters and portraits on my desk.  "Well, more than one."

"Let me guess, the prince of Denmark has sent one yet again."

"He seems promising."  Phillip says, grinning.

"He's thirteen."

The both of us laugh as I look through the letters, one catches my eye I hadn't expected.  "The king of Scotland?"

"Yes, a man of twenty one, young but beloved in his country, he has even turned English border towns to Scottish ones, a threat of Mary's reign as well.  A marriage to king Aaron of Scotland, Lana, means even more of a threat to Mary's throne."

"I want to claim what is mine but my aunt would rather try to kill me again before she is dead and I can claim England."

Phillip looks at king Aaron's portrait and then turns it to me.  "Rather handsome, and not a boy."

"No he most certainly isn't, let him know that he is welcome to Spanish Court, I would like to get to know him."

"I will do so immediately."

"Thank you, Phillip."

I look at the portrait of the Scottish king, he has dark hair the same as mine and what looks to be green eyes.  A promising match, and even by his painting he seems better than Henry. I need to secure my reign with a marriage, with an heir to not only Spain but England as well I will be the queen my people have been waiting for, perhaps my heir will be Scotland's as well.

Two weeks later...

A Scottish ship docked yesterday, and now I sit in my throne room awaiting the king that was aboard it. The doors open, a man dressed well but not adorned with more jewels and trinkets necessary comes in, Henry always wore too many glittering, fine things.  He bows before me and extends a hand as I stand before him.

"Queen Castellana, it is an honor to meet you and be invited to your beautiful grounds."

"Please call me Lana."  I take his hand and direct us toward the warm gardens, filled with the most beautiful flowers and trees.  "I hope your journey from Scotland was good."

"Calm seas, but it won't be long until Queen Mary realizes I was aboard the ship to come and court you."

"You have met her?"

"Not in person, but I hear she's an ugly woman, of course that is just a rumor."
He stops and positions himself in front of me, smiling once more.  "You are more beautiful than your portrait, Lana." 

"You flatter me."

"You deserve it."
He places a kiss on my hand and we continue on our walk.  "Lana, I have a question to ask you."

"Of course, Aaron."

"I know we have just met, but I am in need of a queen for Scotland, with you by my side England and Scotland can finally be united in peace."

"I am in need of a king."

We exchange an unspoken agreement, we will marry, uniting Spain with Scotland and very soon with England.

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