Chapter 18

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The Spanish Armada is greater than any boat Mary could dream of crafting for her navy, it will destroy her.  Aaron and I stand at the Scottish border, our army behind us and navy waiting for my command miles away, near English Court.

Thomas comes to my side, having become a right hand man of mine, aiding Pierre in France and now me again in England.
"Castellana, I do hope she will die this time."

"I was wrong before, I let my heart think she could change but I was gravely mistaken, tonight I will take my throne."

"And I will be at your side the entire way, you are the queen the entire world has been waiting for."

I gently touch his arm and turn to him with a smile. "Thank you, for your loyalty to me."

"Of course, Castellana."

We look back to England and mount our horses, riding into Mary's country with a great Spanish army behind us.  I want to say something more to Aaron but I can't find the words, I stare at my womb that is just starting to round and close my eyes for a moment, imagining a peaceful life after this. 

English Court

I can hear the sea in the distance, my ships are there and my army waits in the tree line.  Thomas and I slip through the shadows with the aid of John, this time there will be no stepping back. 

"Castellana," John whispers to me.  "You mustn't back down this time, she has already sentenced dozens of innocent English men and women to death thinking they have conspired with you."

"I can't die in the process, not with my baby."

He nods, "I will be with you."

He gets us both inside the dark castle, down the familiar hallway to Mary's chamber where he opens the door and I wait outside with Thomas. She's screaming again, cursing Spain and swearing to take my head, I tighten my grip on the sword hilt and draw it out, holding the blade in front of me.


"Yes?" He turns to me, the light of the moon barely showing the features of his face.

"When I am Queen of England, you will be my head advisor for this country."

"I am honored to serve you anywhere, Castellana."

"Then it is time you simply call me Lana."

He nods again as John gently knocks on the wall, signaling me and I step into the dark room. Mary drops a book she was about to throw and her crazed eyes widen more. "The devil herself," she whispers.

"I wanted peace, Mary, I wanted you to live a life without being afraid anymore. I thought signing away my right would give that to you."

"No monarch in their right mind would sign away a blood claim, I'm not a fool."

"I have Scotland and Spain! Those two countries were enough for me to give you peace, to ease your paranoia but I see now that you are far beyond help, you're insane."

She laughs hysterically, hitting her hand on the mahogany desk over and over again until she looks back at me. "Go ahead, have your armada fire their cannons down on me, let them do your killing."

"I'm not like you, I won't send assassins after a fellow queen or her friend, I won't send in an army while I sit happy on my throne as a king and queen are murdered for nothing. What you did to my parents was an act of war, we pushed your army back but did nothing more when we should have. I am nothing like you."

She shakes her head, eyes darting around the room and I notice blood on her forehead where she must have ripped more hair from her scalp. "Don't you see? We are one in the same, should you rule England you will pay the price for its throne, it will corrupt you the way it did me and every monarch before."

She grabs a dagger and throws it at my head but I easily dodge it. I raise my sword and strike it through her heart, she gasps, eyes so wide I think they might pop out of her head. "You took everything from me, but I won't let you have Spain, my child, or my life!"

Swiftly, I pull the blade out and cut off her head the same as she did Nicole.  John breathes out a sigh of relief as I look down at her crimson blood covering the front of my dress.  I drop the sword, turning away from the sight and immediately to the throne room where candles are being lit from the noise and sound of an army marching outside.  I push open the doors myself to see the English council, noblemen, and my throne. 

"I am Castellana, the Queen of all Spain and I have come for my throne."

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