Chapter 19

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The majority in the room bow before me, while others stand their ground. One steps forward, looking at the blood and then back at me.

"Queen Castellana, Mary needed to be dethroned and we had planned on doing so but there are others with a blood claim, when news of her death reaches them they will come for it."

"I am the most suited for the English throne, with Spain, Scotland, and an heir within me as we speak."

"Yes, your majesty, but the English throne is not one to be taken easily."

I step towards the throne and sit, looking out at the people in the room. "I will not step down from anything without a fight, I will rule two countries and consort to Scotland as the greatest queen history has and will ever know."

Aaron comes into the throne room and his eyes widen at the sight of me.  "Lana, tell me this isn't your blood."

"It's Mary's, she's dead."

He looks around the room at the men and I stand from the throne, going to his side. "I will rule England, it is my blood right through my mother Charlotte, princess of this country and former Queen consort of Spain."

An old man emerges from the shadows, sending everyone, including Thomas and John outside and he quickly closes the doors. "Castellana, I have watched two queens crumble from this crown, your great grandmother and now Mary, you don't need it."

"And what do you suggest I do? If I step down and let some cousin of Mary's take the throne I will have another enemy, they will attack Scotland being so close."

He laughs a bit. "Judging by the armada outside any attack would be swiftly defeated."

"I killed her, I cut off her head, people don't do that and then walk away with nothing."

Aaron takes my hand, trying his best to comfort me but the last thing I can handle in this moment is a crumbling old English statue telling me what to do.

"Castellana I beg of you, step down."

"Why is it you think I will succumb to insanity the same as Mary, and some queen before her?"

"Our country was made with a king at its head, the important people of this country that in the end rally the citizens to be for or against you will always speak highly of a king and poor of a queen. They drove Mary to insanity, they put the idea in her head to kill Charlotte because they tricked her, saying her sister would come with an army to take England. All of those lies gave her so much fear and paranoia; your great grandmother suffered the same, and when she was so weak and afraid they charged her with witchcraft and had her burned, charging her daughters of the same crime and putting her only son on the throne."

"And they will do the same to me?"

I grip Aaron's hand as he nods, a look of sadness on his wrinkled face. "There is one man with a blood claim to the throne, and that is the bastard son of Mary's father."

"I've never heard of any bastard."

"He was hidden from the world, the product of an affair with a pretty kitchen maid in the early years of your grandfather's reign. I was the most trusted advisor of your grandfather, I have watched over poor Mary and I will do the same with you."

"So only you know of this son?"

"Yes, but soon the world will."

I don't understand and the old man notices, looking around the room before he turns back to me. "His name is Thomas, he has disguised himself as an assassin for Mary, a loyal friend to you, all to ensure Mary's death. Now that you have taken her head, Castellana, he means to take her crown."

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