Chapter 9

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Three of the men return, one steps forward carrying a sack and drops it at the Queen's feet.  "Your assassin, your majesty, was beheaded by none other than the Spanish Queen."

"Castellana took his head?"  She asks as she peers inside the sack, hardly believing the man until she see it with her own eyes.  "Why have you brought it back to my castle?"

He picks it up and remembers what the young girl told them. "She said you will not kill her as easily as you did her parents, she will not step down from her throne without a fight."

"There will be no fight, I'll be slaughtered."

He laughs, "perhaps you deserve it.  The Spanish Queen, from what I saw, is not afraid of her own shadow or a another ruler across the sea like you are."

"How dare you!"

He turns his back on the tyrant and leaves the room with the other two men, moments later John enters the room and Mary looks at him with red rimmed eyes and tear soaked cheeks.  "She is already turning my people against me!  Those men saw a queen who stood up for her throne and country while I am the woman who sends assassins to do her bidding."

"Perhaps he was right, leave Mary to her peace and there can be no more bloodshed."

"I can't do that!" Mary screams, tearing the skin of her forearms with her nails as blood trickles into the palms of her hands.

John manages to stop her, praying that the paranoia stricken woman before him will someday find peace and happiness once again. But he knows she never will. He knew Mary when they were children, she was carefree and lighthearted, but the moment she sent a group of assassins to Spain to kill her pregnant sister, the woman he once knew became someone he never thought she could become. England needs a new monarch, one that will rule with a clear mind, this he has known for the past decade, but the only way to secure Castellana on the throne is through killing Mary. And while it hurts him to think of such a thing, he knows too many more people will die with Mary in power, and perhaps it will end her self inflicted suffering.

"John," she whispers through her sobs.  "I don't want to live like this anymore."

"I know Mary, I know."


Two letters arrive only days before we embark for Scotland, one from France, and the other from England.  I know what is written from France, but even out of curiosity of what is said in the other I read first from a land that is still a home to me. 

My cleric writes you this as I lay on my death bed, I will be gone by morning and official news of my death will reach you in time.  Henry will be King of France just after sunrise.  It frightens me, and I hope you have found a way to help him, I know he doesn't deserve it but I still ask that you do.  In my last letter I asked you to keep him and France safe from England, but I also asked for safety against threats within France which I realize now is impossible.  What I am about to ask of you is betrayal to Henry, but will also safe him from his own people.  There is only one other blood claim to my throne and that is through my late brother's son, Pierre, only one year younger than Henry.  See Pierre on my throne, he has always been more of a king.
My love, Louis.

And official news does come not long after I fold the letter and a boy comes with the news of the King of France's death.  I hold back my tears though, as I break the seal of the second letter.

Castellana, Queen of Spain.
I hope this letter reaches you in good health, that you have healed from your wound inflicted on the attack we were ordered from Mary. The English Queen is in a weak state, she is a tyrant to the people and I want nothing more than to see a strong and just queen on the throne. You showed that day that you have more power than Mary has ever dreamed of having, and with my help, I can kill her from the inside with the help of a man that wants to see her suffering end, a man she trusts more than anyone. You may call me Thomas, but the other man I have joined forces with wishes to remain anonymous. Write me back as soon as you possibly can if you are interested.

Queen Mary dead if I only give him an answer. I take up my quill and a parchment, I will send my answer just before boarding the ship to Scotland. For Spain, my parents, and for King Louis, I will see the English tyrant killed.

The Queen of all Spain Where stories live. Discover now