Chapter 20

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Before the old man can say anything more I storm out of the throne room and down the hall where I see Thomas and John at the window, the sun rising before them. They both turn to face me and I strike Thomas's cheek as hard as I possibly can.

"Lana?" He asks, holding his hand to the red hand print I left.

"Don't you dare call me that, I'm surprised you haven't shown your disloyalty yet to sit on your throne."

His face relaxes, knowing I have found out who he really is. "I was born a man, I have every right."

"You are a bastard, the Catholic Church would never allow one to sit on the throne."

"Well," he grins sadistically, "it's a good thing I'm not a Catholic."

John looks at me in confusion while Thomas begins walking down the hallway with me behind him.  "I trusted you, Thomas, you served me well."

"Yes I did, but I have known since I was a boy that I'm the crown prince my father always wanted, with the Catholic Church out of the way I can very easily take the throne, the entire council and country would rather have me."

"What can you give England?  All you have is your masculinity and right to say you have a dick, I have a Spanish Armada to defend this country while it is strengthened."

He laughs and stops walking, spinning around to face me.  "You can go happily back to Spain and deliver your baby, rule your countries until you die and I won't bother you at all."

"You and I both know that is a lie, you're a selfish and inconsiderate fool and England will burn under your reign."

He slaps me this time, shaking his hand as I face the wall, my anger continuing to build.  "As I remember it, your castle burned, your parents died, and you hid yourself away in France until you had the sudden urge to wear a pretty crown."

"I was an infant, and I will rule Spain just as well as any king."

"I take it we won't be allies."  He extends his hand, smiling with an eyebrow raised.  "Shake it, if you would like us to be."

I spit in his hand and raise my head high.  "I am not a child, and you are not a king."

"You're a girl, Lana, a little girl with fear just waiting to catch up with her.  Spain will fall, after it Scotland, and perhaps if you have a daughter I will marry her and rule the three nations."

Of all the things I could say I swallow back the words, going back to the throne room where Aaron waits.  "We're going to Scotland, I doubt it will be long until he crosses our border."

Thomas comes into the throne room twirling the crown around his hand.  "Thank you for doing the dirty work, Queen Lana, I must say that the color red is most ravishing on you."

Aaron starts to hit him but I hold him back, leaving the castle to go back to Scotland with our army.  He touches the red mark on my face and grimaces, gently running his thumb over my cheekbone. 

"I'll kill him, Lana."

"Don't worry, I left a far worse one on his face."

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