Chapter 27

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Nearly six months later...

Aaron presses me against the wall, being more careful than he normally would as he kisses my neck, moving to my lips before we hear someone come down the corridor.  He lays a hand on my womb, five months pregnant, a smile growing across his already happy face.  The old woman said I would have joy and happiness, and this is more than that.

"How are you feeling, Lana?"

"You ask me that everyday, every moment actually."

He laughs, "I'm your husband it's an obligation of mine."

"I don't think that was in the vows."

"Consider it sickness and in health then, we are supposed to be together through both."

I kiss him softly, short but each one is more special than the last. "I'm glad we can."

He stares at me for a long while, the late spring sun comes through the window hitting us both.  "I want to remember you like this, Lana, forever."

"Is there something about me now that's different?"

I suppose it is his point of view, looking down at me as sun filters through the glass and shines on my dark hair and eyes, perhaps he sees me now as an Angel, or simply a woman he has fallen in love with. And I see him differently too, when I first saw his portrait it was a handsome young king, and now it's not even about the features of his face but his entire heart and soul. I could never possibly love a man in such a way ever again, Aaron has taken my entire heart in these years.

"Your majesty?" The voice of a servant girl says, we break apart and I stand before her, nodding for her to continue. "John requests you in the throne room, he says it is urgent."

I hurry down the hall with Aaron close behind me, entering the room to see the man I named my first born after pacing across the tile. "Castellana, I received word of English ships off the coast."

"How many?"

"A little more than a dozen, I believe just a few of the armada can easily wipe them out."

"Is it an act of war?"

His face becomes pale. "One has let the soldiers come to shore and they slaughtered a coastal village."

"Then by all means, send the armada."

He nods and hurries away to send the plans while I hold my womb, wondering what life could have been like if I were not a queen. My army has grown stronger without Thomas being aware, this blow to his navy will show him just how strong Spain is, but I worry for my life everyday. If he is to be my undoing and the only way my child will rise to power so be it, but I fear Aaron's life for his fate was never given to me.

"Castellana," John returns to the throne room. "Thomas was aboard a ship and he is heading this way as we speak."

"Secure the gates, and bring me my sword."

He leaves once more and Aaron stands in front of me. "Lana, you are pregnant."

"Exactly! I will protect this heir, Thomas will not come for me now while I am with child and if I must strike him down on my own, I will."

In the hour we see a small army cross the hill, Thomas riding at its head as we all stand still, hardly breathing inside the walls of the castle. I wonder if this is how my parents felt that night.
Thomas rides ahead of them, coming to the gate and raising his head to look at me as I climb up to the top of the wall.

"Castellana, it's been too long."

"Not long enough, go back to your ships before my armada sinks them all and my army takes your head."

"Beheading many aren't you, Lana? If you keep this up it will be your own in the dust."

"Your threats mean nothing to me," but my hands are shaking.

"Oh of course, your majesty, but I didn't travel this far to leave empty handed."

Aaron comes to my side, resting his hand on my back to calm me just a bit. "What is it you want?" Aaron asks him.

"The child within your wife, if she bears a daughter I would like to marry her."

My blood runs cold, anger begins coursing through me as I drop the sword at my side and take a crossbow from the guard next to me. "You will not have my daughter!"

"And your threats mean nothing to me, not from a girl playing queen."

Without thinking, with no rational thought going through my mind I let an arrow fly, it goes through his left shoulder and he cries out. "You Spanish bitch!" His horse rears, nearly throwing him to the ground.

"I will spare your ships this once, I will spare the life of your army and even your own, but only this once. Get out of my country, and never come back unless you are asking for war."

He curses me again and rides off, clutching his bleeding shoulder as I set the crossbow down.

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