Chapter 12

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Pierre sits in his home with an Englishman across from him and letter in his hand from the Spanish Queen.  Louis wanted him to be the king, when he first got word from Castellana's English spy, Thomas, he didn't want to believe it, the throne was Henry's birthright.  Now, three months into his reign Henry has burned Protestants at the stake, threatened anyone to speak against him with death, and spent the money needed for war and food on jewels, horses, and the construction of a new palace. 

"So, will you accept the offer and form a coup against Henry?  Should you overthrow him the people will rejoice."

"I'll have to kill my own cousin."

"Castellana knows it is a lot to ask, but it was Louis's final wish as you read in his letter to her."

Pierre nods and taps his finger on the desk, picturing a better France in his mind with him on the throne.  "I'll do it, but we will need to time to form the coup and make sure nothing goes wrong in the process.  If I die trying to take the throne, then France will have no heir leaving it to the council when Henry is dead."

Thomas nods and shakes Pierre's hand, in the past weeks he has become loyal to Castellana, and when he leaves France he will meet her in Scotland to plan the downfall of Queen Mary.

"In time," he says to Pierre, "you will wear the crown and Spain promises an alliance to last for lifetimes."

"Give the Spanish Queen my greatest thanks."

He nods and leaves the house, mounting his horse and begins the ride to the docks.  A merchant ship waits in the harbor to take him to Scotland at dawn, to Queen Castellana. 


We kiss once more on the balcony, his arms wrapped around my waist as the sun has completely risen. Today is the most important of my weeks spent here, my English ally arrives to the castle within the hour and I'm more than worried of what he has to tell me.

"Any signs of a child?"  Aaron asks, running a finger over my stomach.

"My blood came this morning."

He smiles gently and kisses my forehead.  "It's alright Lana, we will soon."

I want to believe that he's right, but before I can go deeper into his arms the gates open and Thomas enters. I hurry to the courtyard to meet him, he bows before me as we stare at one another, unsure of who should speak first.

"Queen Castellana, with the help of Spain, Pierre can form a coup much stronger than any forces Henry may have. More than half of the French forces have pledged their alliance to fight for Pierre's ascend to the throne."

"This is good, when the coup is ready Pierre may strike. In the mean time, what is the standing of Queen Mary?"

"Paranoia stricken, the man I know closest to her says she is at a breaking point and is unfit to rule.  He cares about her, and wishes to see her self inflicted suffering end sooner rather than later."

"How does he propose we go about killing her?"

"He says to leave that to him and it will never look like murder, when she is dead the council will gladly take you to the throne."

I pull him aside from anyone who might see us. "Will the English Queen kill me before I can her?"

"If she plans anything word will be sent back to me and we can stop any assassin, she will be dead by the time Pierre is ready to take the throne, Castellana, this I have been promised."

"And who is this man that has told us so much?"

"Like I said before, he wishes to remain anonymous."

"So be it." I thank Thomas, putting some gold coins in his hand as I go back to my chamber and my husband. I need an heir, the English may want me on Mary's throne but a child secures it all forever. A child gives England, Scotland, and Spain a future when I am dead. I will die, either from age or by the hand of a fellow queen.

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