Chapter 6

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Light sexual content.

Through my eighteen years in this world nothing has ever made me shake with fear, but tonight it is a fear that brings excitement.  Aaron stands before me as my husband, and ever since I was a little girl in France I knew what happened between a man and woman on their wedding night. He takes a few steps toward me, closing the distance between us and rests his hands on my hips.

"I'll be gentle, Lana, so please stop shaking."

"I'm not afraid, just a bit nervous."

He smiles and I push myself closer against him, feeling his body heat radiate through me as we kiss. He wraps one arm around my back and then holds my face gently with the other, sending chills down my spine as he softly rubs my skin. We break apart only to start again, and before I know it I'm laying on the bed with him over me, kissing me with more passion than I ever knew possible.

"Lana," he breathes.


He laughs and begins kissing my jawline, down my neck and stops at the fabric of my nightgown.  "You have enchanted me, every part of you."

He begins the slow and painful part of unbuttoning my nightgown, I wish it would go by faster but he takes his time, trailing his finger down my skin the more it is shown.
He slides the fabric from my arms and it drops to the floor, leaving me bare to him with just the light of the full moon and candles scattered around the room.

He places a hand on my cheek and holds his gaze with mine, kissing my jaw as a sharpness slices through my body. I take in a breath as he enters my body, it hurts for a moment but Aaron was true to his word with being gentle.

"Tell me if I hurt you."

He moves his hips against mine and pleasure courses through my blood, I have known this would happen, but I never expected it to feel like this. He kisses my breasts as I run my fingers through his dark hair, managing to get his shirt off of him and admiring his chiseled body.

When he stops we are both breathing heavy, our naked bodies pressed against each other as I rest my head against his chest. In time, I know, as the two of us are together longer there will be an heir for Scotland and Spain.  Aaron slowly drifts off to sleep beside me and I imagine that day, when I will bring a great ruler into the world.  Hopefully it won't end in my demise as it did my mother.

Dearest Lana,
I am so sorry that I could not attend your wedding to King Aaron of Scotland, I very much wanted to see you a bride. I have fallen very ill, the physicians say I haven't much time left, four months would be a miracle. Henry will take my place on the French throne but he is hot headed with too much of a temper, he will be more of a tyrant, than a king. He vows he will never marry, says he doesn't want a woman telling him anything to do, managing him. Lana, the people will kill him or a coup will be formed against his reign and there is nothing I can do during my last days here to save him.
Please, Lana, if you can do anything to save him when I'm gone try. If France is weak from a cruel king England will cross our borders and take my country like Queen Mary has always wanted.
Please save him from his own demise.

The letter reaches me one week after my wedding, and I know the only way to save Henry when England comes for France is to take the English throne myself.

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