Chapter 11

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Light sexual content.

A large fire is in the middle of the town, every person who came is dancing around it, laughing as they pour beer down their throats and sing old Scottish songs.  It's incredible.  Aaron wraps his arm around my waist and the crowd cheers as he throws his free hand in the air.  "Shall Lana show us her drinking skills then!"  His accent is thicker than it ever has been.

A mug is thrusted in my hand I sniff the liquid, it smells awful but I can't back down now.  Closing my eyes I down half of it and nearly gag at the taste but I keep it down, making them cheer for the hundredth time tonight.  Aaron laughs and swiftly lifts me from the ground and carries me to the horses. 
He addresses all once more, yelling three cheers for Scotland and throwing back another swallow of alcohol before we both ride back to the castle. 

In a hazy blur the horses are put in the stable and we go to our chamber, both drunk but happier than we ever knew possible.  Aaron collapses on the bed and pulls me against his chest, kissing my neck and running a hand over my stomach.

"They kept asking about an heir."  He says with a drunken slur, his Scottish accent still more prominent that I've ever heard from him.

"Ladies at Spanish Court do as well, we just aren't acting like barbarians around a bonfire."

"Please," he places a kiss on my temple.  "You enjoyed it, I could tell."

"That I did, which is why I'm going to tell you that I would very much like an heir as well."

No other words are shared between us, we join in a heated kiss as we pull off each other's clothes. It doesn't take long, being in simple dress and I'm not wearing enough layers for winter in the alps like usual.  This time is full of more passion than ever before, maybe it's the alcohol, or the atmosphere in the town, or maybe it's the wild Scottish wind like Aaron said before.  It's seeping into our souls and this time I feel an heir will be made. 

He wraps his hands around my waist as we continue to kiss, our hips grinding on one another's and we only break apart to breathe for a moment before we start again.

My Scottish husband and his land have bewitched me, every part of my body feels different and beautiful. I am the queen of Scotland but I have only referred to myself as the Queen of Spain, leaving Scotland to the background. Now I see it all differently, I am both Spain and Scotland, one will never come before the other and it is time I make not only the nation of my birth powerful, but the one I have come to love as well.

Aaron stares at me, smiling wide as he brushes hair from his face. We lay in the bed a tangle of limbs, laughing softly as we whisper like children. I loved him first, but through him I loved this land, and I know the only way I will ever have England is with him by my side.

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