Chapter 22

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One month later...

I had hoped for a healthy child, a happy one, by now we should have traveled to Spain for the country to meet their future king. We remain in Scotland, waiting for Thomas to make a move against our reign as our baby slowly fades away. 
I haven't slept through a night in such a long time, and when I wake in the morning I fear he will be dead in his cradle.

Aaron lays beside me as we hold our son, praying his life will be spared, but his breaths are small and weak. The physician returns to the room to look over him, shaking his head at both of us.

"I am sorry, but he won't survive into the beginning of winter."

It's the last days of autumn now. I let out a cry as the physician leaves the room, holding little John to my heart, my tiny baby that was supposed to be a king. Aaron tries to comfort me but he's crying himself, his face in my neck as we think of the day our child will be gone.  I touch John's pale cheek, tears flowing down my cheeks; of all the things I have lost in my life this is the hardest. 

The sun begins to set and Aaron lays his son in the cradle, rocking him softly and coming to bed with me.  He pulls my trembling body against his chest, running a hand up and down my arm.

"We will have other children, Lana."

"John was our first born, it isn't right."

"I know darling," he takes in a breath, shaking as well.  "Nothing about it is."

A scream pierces the thick night air as a baby lays dead and a mother feels her heart ripped apart.  A physician cries, wrapping the child in a cloth, placing it in a tiny casket prepared weeks prior.
"My son," the mother whispers.

Her husband falls beside her, wrapping his arms around her as they cry together, having never known such pain.

"Let him go Lana, let him go."

She releases her grip on her baby's casket and turns into her husband's chest as sobs crash throughout her. All of Scotland weeps, so does Spain when word reaches them. Condolences are sent from the King of France but nothing can ever replace what she has lost; her first born. Two countries have lost their long awaited heir, and they wonder if there will ever be another.

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