Chapter 21

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With the armada protecting Spain and Scotland's waters, armies guarding both borders, the first few months of Thomas's stolen reign have not hurt my countries. Now, reaching the end of my pregnancy I hope to meet my child, and not die the same death as my mother.

Aaron comes into our chamber and sits beside me, taking my hand in his own.  "I just spoke to the physician, the baby should come very soon."

"I'm worried."

He kisses my head and squeezes my hand softly, smiling as he always does.  "Says the woman who beheaded a man, shot a flaming arrow, and has two great countries rallied behind her."

"She lost England."

He shakes his head, "you would have lost your life fighting for it against Thomas."

"Perhaps, I wrote to Pierre, France is thriving and he pledged his loyalty to me indefinitely; he said Thomas may have been there for his accession to the throne but it was me who prepared everything for him."

"That's good, Spain will have no enemy at the border, and should Thomas attack Pierre can send forces much faster."

A sharp pain goes through my body and everything diplomatic leaves my mind, I clutch Aaron's arm and cry out.  "The physician," I manage to whisper.

Aaron races down the hall and returns moments later with servants and the physician, all prepared to bring our heir into the world. Aaron returns to my side, holding my hand as the physician prepares me for labor.

"Your majesty," he says, "you must start pushing soon and you cannot give up."

"I'm not one for backing down."

He laughs and turns to Aaron, "a warrior your wife is, my king."

"She's always had a bit of an attitude." Aaron says to him.

I smack the back of my husband's head. "If you would like to remain on my good side I suggest you be nicer to me."

Before he can say anything else my first contraction comes, I let out a scream the entire castle can hear and the physician tells me to start pushing. With all my strength I do, until I scream again and a pain I have never felt before washes through my body.  I was told as a girl about child birth, but we are never truly prepared until the time comes.

"I can see the head, Queen Lana, you're almost there."

Aaron presses a cold rag to my forehead and kisses my temple.  "Almost there, just a bit more."

I push again, feeling the baby emerge and a cry echo through the room.  The servants wash it quickly and one of them finally turns to me, placing the baby in my arms. 

"A son, your majesty."

Aaron leans over me, smiling at our infant boy and resting a hand on my shoulder.  "You've done it, Lana."

I look up at him, smiling myself and forgetting about everything that troubled me before. "We both did."

He gently touches the tiny hand of our son as the physician leaves with his greatest congratulations, followed by the servants. Holding my child, who Aaron and I made ourselves feels like such a blessing after all I have done. He opens his small eyes, blue, but I have seen babies eyes change as weeks go by.

"What will we name him?" Aaron asks.

"I thought John, for our English ally?"  The man that once served Mary came to Scotland with us at Thomas's betrayal.

"It's perfect, and I'm sure he will be pleased."

"A formal ceremony will be held in time, the Scottish people must meet their prince, then the Spanish."

We say nothing more, simply admire the baby. Aaron lays in bed beside me, holding me against his chest and smiling at his son. I don't think I have ever been this happy, and I don't think a moment has ever meant so much.

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