Chapter 30

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English Court

"The girl wants your tax money?" Thomas laughs, "sounds like a woman when she helps you get one thing."

"Yes, I refuse to give her France's money, she is angry about it so I figured an alliance with you will keep her at bay."

"Don't worry about Castellana, boy, I will rid the world of her soon."

Pierre slowly takes his knife from his leather boot, this was not part of the plan but he will kill Thomas for Lana to finally secure the crown. She did the same for him, nearly. He leans forward, the blade ready to pierce Thomas's groin. "So, do we have a deal?"
As Thomas stretches out his hand, Pierre pushes the blade through his skin, making the king fall over. Removing the knife he cuts his throat, breathing heavily as the king of England dies, Lana's only block in ruling three nations.

He opens the window and waves a white handkerchief in the wind, his sign to Lana it is her turn to come to the castle. Commotion is heard in the throne room and Pierre hurries in, blood on his hands as he rushes to Lana and Aaron's side.

"Your tyrant is dead," Pierre announces. "English Court, I give you your queen."

Their eyes widen, bowing before her as Lana stares at Pierre. "You killed him?" She whispers.

"It was the only way." 

She smiles, shaking his hand.  "Thank you, for finally putting my heart at ease."
Pierre watches as the beautiful woman before him takes the throne, her husband watching her proudly.  He only hopes that her daughter will have the bravery of her mother.

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