Chapter 14

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It has been weeks since Aaron signed the crown matrimonial, Spain has grown stronger, my womb remains bare.  Nicole sits with me at a window, neither of us say a word but her company is all I can ask for.  "What about a ride, Lana?  Those always lighten the mood."

"Not today, I'm sorry Nicole."

"Don't be, this must be hard for you and I wish I could help."

"I just need time, I was told it took my mother a long time to get pregnant, perhaps it's the same for me."

"I'm sure it is, now I'll leave you for a walk, Aaron is at the door."

I look over my shoulder as she leaves, giving me a warm smile and I'm happy to have such a good friend with me here.  Aaron replaces her, sitting my side as he takes my hand gently in his own.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired, I could sleep for days but I can't seem to even close my eyes."

He brings my head to his shoulder and runs his fingers through my hair, something I have always imagined a mother doing as well.  "You have too much weight on your shoulders, please Lana, let me at least take some of it from you."

"I'm planning the death of two monarchs, Aaron."

"Yes, but one is a queen who can't even take care of herself, let alone her people, the English are freezing and starving.  Henry tortures any man, woman, or child who so much as whispers about Protestantism."

"I'm still killing them."

"Mary slaughtered your parents and planned to have you die in your mother's womb."

A sob runs through my body as I collapse against him completely, having never truly cried like this without pushing my feelings aside to stop my tears. "It's alright Lana, you're the strongest woman I have ever met and if anyone can cry right now it's you."

I hold onto him for dear life, if I let go I may fall into a trench I can never climb out of. We stay like that for what seems like such a long time, my tears stop on their own as he holds me against his chest, gently rubbing my back.
The door opening breaks us apart, I look up to see a page boy with wide eyes and red cheeks.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Your majesty, something has happened on the grounds."

Aaron and I follow him to the courtyard where members of the court have gathered. Women are crying and men looking around for answers. I direct my gaze to what they all are pointing at, and I feel my heart ripped from my chest and my insides twist.

"Nicole." To keep from falling to my knees Aaron grabs my forearms and holds up my weight, telling me to look away but I can't. My friend since childhood's head is on a stake on the castle wall, the guards that were posted there lay dead, and a note is brought down to me splattered with blood.

This is my message to you not to threaten my reign, you beheaded one of mine, I will behead one of your own. Watch your own neck.
-Queen Mary

"She's threatening me in my own castle!"

This wasn't Mary, she sent people to do her own work just like my parents, and my assassination attempt on the ride with Nicole. I will take her head myself, I will stand before her and take the life that has stolen so much from me.
I stand before my court, to show courage when all I want is to cry for my friend.

"Queen Mary has signed this note herself and has signed for her own death in the process. She has taken enough from us and Spanish hell will rain down on her! We will show the English Queen the might and power of this nation!"

They cheer in response, the Scots taught me to rally my people and they will stand behind me. They were right, and the time to take England is now.

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