Chapter 16

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Aaron joins me at Edinburgh a week after I sent word to him.  He comes into the throne room to see a table and paper set up, the quill dipped in ink and ready to sign. 
"Lana, Queen Mary is still alive."

"I know, I rode here the night she was supposed to die, but I saw a glimpse of a frightened woman, I couldn't kill her."

"What are you doing?"

"Signing away my claim to her throne, I don't need England when I am the Queen of the greatest nation in the world and wife to the King of a nation I love so much."

He takes my hand, smiling, but I know he doesn't understand.

"She put Nicole's head on a stake in Spain, she killed your parents Lana, she isn't innocent."

"I know, but I heard her whisper something that showed me all of her rash decisions have been made out of fear."

There are so many things I wish I hadn't done.

Those words continue to echo through my mind everyday. Taking a deep breath, a sign my name on the paper, calling the English ambassador I sent for into the throne room, placing it in his hands.

"Your queen has no threat from me, Spain, or Scotland. I pray one day I may meet my aunt."

He nods, smiling warmly. "Your majesty, I pray that the queen will now return to the good monarch she was before the death of your parents."

"This is the first mending of her heart then, I hope she will become as happy as I have."

He bows and leaves the room, leaving Aaron and I alone. "Please, don't be mad at me."

His face is expressionless for a moment until he smiles, taking my hands in his. "I could never be angry with you."

"Good, because I have even better news."

He raises an eyebrow and I feel my heart racing, squeezing his hands.

"Aaron, I realized while I was waiting here for you that I'm pregnant."

His eyes widen and he lifts me off my feet, spinning around and then pressing his lips against mine. "You're sure? We're going to have a baby?"

"Yes, a midwife confirmed it with my morning sickness and sudden craving for berries."

"I'll pick you all the berries you want."

We both laugh as he spins me around once more, grabbing my hand and hurrying into the courtyard where dozens of people are soaking up the spring sun. 

"I have news for you all, Lana is pregnant with the heir of Spain and Scotland!"

Cheers erupt, declarations are written to make it known to the country that the Scottish Queen is pregnant, they are sent to Spain to let them know as well and rejoice.  I don't care if the entire world knows, all I want is this baby with Aaron.

He holds me close, kissing me a dozen more times. "Tell me, what will we name a girl?"

I can't help but laugh. "I'm not sure what we will name a girl or boy, all I know is that we are having a child."

He grins, "and that makes me the happiest man in the world."

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