Chapter 13

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I expected to return to my country happy, instead I returned to betrayal. 

"Phillip how could you!"

"You were away in Scotland there was no way to send word quick enough, I thought it would be the best for Spain."

"I don't care what you think is best!"

He takes me arms, trying to reason an argument he has already lost.  "Lana, if you cannot produce an heir then I figured it would be best to appoint myself your successor to ensure a future that remains within our family."

"You have no right, but I see it all now.  You were made regent in my absence, you miss that power more than I ever realized.  I may only be nineteen, Phillip, but if being the rightful queen of Spain is too much for the girl you think I am, when I am a woman, then I will make myself known as King of Spain to get it through your head that you are my father's nephew, the son of his illegitimate sister which doesn't even make you fit for the crown."

"Lana, please-."  He grabs my wrist when I tear myself away from him but I snap it out of his grasp. 

"I am Castellana the Queen of Spain, appointed by God when I had only been breathing for moments.  You are my subject, not my successor, and it takes more than a few months of marriage to produce a child.   You will leave my court, your betrayal has been made known and those who sided to have you made king will suffer for it."

I call for the guards closest to me.  "Get him out of this court, should he ever return he will be tried for the treason he has committed against his queen."

"Lana you can't do this!"

"And why not?" I walk behind him as he is dragged out of my court by the guards. "I am the queen, you are not my successor, my regent, or even a lord for that matter. Leave Spain for all I care, you will never have my trust again."

He is pushed outside as the gates close, I turn around feeling someone's eyes on me and it's Aaron. He rests a hand on my back and guides me away to our chamber, away from everything, away from anything else that wants to hurt me.

"Lana, it's alright."

With those words I burst into tears, pressing my forehead as he holds me tighter than anyone has before. He is all I have, the only person that doesn't want me dead. The people of Spain and Scotland may love me, my armies may be stronger than any in the world, but the only family I had left betrayed me, the men on my council want a man to rule to entirety of Spain. I am a figure left over from a burned past.

"Aaron, I have to show them I cannot be easily replaced."

"If that is through an heir I know it will happen soon."

"No, I need the child for our countries but I need to show that I am not a little girl wearing a crown who can be pushed around without saying a word. It's time I take England myself, no one can do it for me."

I hold back my tears and walk down the hall to the throne room where the council awaits me.  Aaron comes to my side as I throw the doors open.

"Who in this room appointed my cousin Phillip to be my successor?"  Of the fifteen men, twelve stand, the three remaining were loyal to my father and now I see are loyal to me.  "Only a queen can appoint her successor should she have no children, the twelve of you will leave my court immediately, Phillip isn't far ahead of you."

I don't listen to their pleas of trickery from Phillip, the three that remain are all the council I need. 

"Your majesty," one comes forward.  "We know you will produce an heir very soon, you are young and fertile, you don't have to rush anything."

"If I am not I want to make sure Spain has a safe future, should I die without a child Phillip is my only family, he will try to seize the Spanish throne.  On this day I herby appoint my husband, King of Scotland and consort of Spain to be my successor, he will sign the crown matrimonial."

Aaron's eyes widen.  "Lana, I have never wanted it, you are the ruler over Spain."

"I wouldn't share this with anyone but you, should I die and you don't have it Spain will burn once again in a power struggle with Phillip on one side and England on the other.  Signing this ensures the peace I have worked so hard for, should I die without an heir, you will be the future of our country."

I have always called Spain mine, until now.

"I will never rule over you, Lana."

I gently kiss his cheek, holding back more tears that threaten to fall from my eyes.  "I know, Aaron, so please sign it and protect my people, my father's legacy."

"This is your legacy, I won't put myself into the greatness you have achieved here."

"History will write you into my story either way, they never like it when a single queen shows she has the power of ten kings."

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