Chapter 31

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Ten years later...

I am not certain if I will ever be known as a queen who conquered and killed on her own, to show the world that women could rule.  I'm sure I will be known as a wife, that my husband helped me with it all, but I am glad that the husband they will mention is one I love dearly. 

Lyanna sits beside me reading, it's hard to believe she has grown so much.  She is Lyanna, heir to Spain, and I have never been so happy as I am with her, knowing I will be with her as she grows up.  Her little brother, my James, Prince of Scotland and now eight years old.  He hunts with Aaron all the time, my little boy looking up to him all the time as he grows into a man.  And the toddler at my feet, mine and Aaron's second daughter Odette, a French name for the people who raised me, who we named the heir to England.

I still remember the day Aaron and I made the decision for all three of our children to rule.  It was an announcement all three nations rejoiced over.  Lyanna will rule Spain, James the king of Scots, and little Odette over England.  It is something no king or queen has ever done, but something I feel always should be.

I leave Odette to play with Lyanna for a while and meet Aaron in the courtyard. "Is James already begging to go to Scotland?" I ask him.

"Of course he is."

"You want to go home for a while as well, I have matters to take care of in England, we can spend time in both and sail next week."

He takes my hand and kisses it gently, staring at me for a moment. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world, Lana."

"More like the luckiest, I think."

He presses his lips to mine and we hold each other for a moment, soaking in the warmth and gentle silence. "I love you, Castellana."

"And I you, forever."

He kisses my head, breathing out a long sigh. "I knew you would be my wife, the moment I saw your portrait."

"I wasn't as certain about you, I really considered that boy king in Denmark." He laughs, making me smile and admire him, all of him. "I want to visit the clans in Scotland, I miss them."

"And they miss you, their wild queen."

I roll my eyes, "I've always had too much fire."

He shakes his head, "you my dear, can never have too much."

This kiss we share is longer, full of that fire and passion that makes me love him more everyday. He is the reason I'm happy, alive, with such a beautiful family to call my own. He is my everything, so history can write us together, that can be our forever.

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