Chapter 5

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"The King of Scotland?  Of all the suitors that girl could have possibly picked she chose the man just over my border?"
Mary tears her fingers through her graying hair, full of so much paranoia and fear like she has been all her life.

"Castellana received many proposals I'm sure, nearly every noble man admires her beauty."  John finally says.

"I don't want to hear anymore about her pretty face!"
Mary begins pacing in her study and pushes a stack of papers onto the floor.  "With Aaron and Castellana united I will have even more to worry about.  Scotland will have the backing of the girl's continuously growing navy and soldiers, he could slaughter my armies easily."

"Mary, think for a moment, she may want nothing with your throne, maybe King Louis never even told her that you are her mother's sister."

"Even if he didn't, she will know of her shared blood with me soon enough.  But there is one thing that girl has probably known since she was a child. England killed her parents, the Queen of England sent troops to kill Charlotte and Antonio, her mother and father."  For a moment, she feels grief for taking them away from a baby but she can't feel it for long, she had planned to kill Charlotte while the baby was still in the womb.

John tries to reason with Mary but she sends him away, her hands shaking and fear continuing to spread through her body. "She will kill me." She says to herself, tearing pieces of hair from her scalp until a small trickle of blood goes down the side of her face. "I will feel the wrath of Spain for the sins I have done."


"The wedding is today and I'm just now realizing I don't have a veil?" A servant tightens my corset and a veil is finally brought into my chambers.

"The seamstress dropped everything to make this, your Majesty." Another servant says as she places it on the bed.

"Pay her double, and give her my personal thanks."

The girl curtsies and hurries out of the room as I'm fitted into my gown. It feels tighter, perhaps that's because I'm breathing heavy. A familiar voice sounds from the entrance and I look up to see a face that calms my nerves. "Lana, you look stunning but you must calm yourself before you faint."

"Nicole, I wasn't sure you would come."

"I would never miss your wedding, I was your lady in waiting at French Court after all."
She hugs me tightly.

"Have you reconsidered my offer to stay here in Spain as my lady once again? You're my best friend Nicole, it's been quite lonely."

"I've been lonesome too, I became some Duchess's lady at court but she was annoying and treated me as a servant, asked me to wash her feet once. I would be honored to be your lady once again, and I hear Spain is far more beautiful than France all of the year."

We hug once more and Nicole pins the veil into my hair. "Now, I also heard King Aaron is very attractive, so let's get you to the ceremony I want to see him."

The both of us laugh as we enter the hall, I stand before the closed doors that will soon open, Aaron will be there as will some of the most important people in the world.  The Kings of Denmark, Greece, Portugal, and Sweden.  Dukes, important figures of The Vatican, but the only other Queen in the world is not, she would never even consider it.  Mary, my parents murderer, my aunt.

"I will be walking behind you, Lana."

"Thank you Nicole."

She nods and goes a few paces behind me as the doors slowly open and the people turn towards me.  Aaron smiles and I look at my guests, Phillip gives me a reassuring nod as I make it to my soon to be husband and stand beside him. The ceremony goes by in a blur, before I can process it Aaron's lips are pressed against mine and it feels right, like all of my waiting has been worth it.

"You are now the Queen of Scotland, and believe me Lana, they will adore you."

"And you the King of Spain." I kiss him once more and we walk back down the aisle gripping each other's hand.

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