Chapter 24

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The Scottish Highlands

We arrive at Ross's Clan at sunrise the following day, three wagons of food for the people and my legs have never hurt so much. He helps me down from the horse as I wonder about Aaron he made it back to Edinburgh yesterday afternoon, he knows I left.
I walk into the crowd of people, handing out bread as they thank me. 

Ross stands in front to address them.  "Our very own queen agreed to travel all this way for us to meet her, and I see it fit to give her a true welcome."

They all cheer, reminding me of the night in the village with Aaron not so long ago. And all of a sudden it's different, I'm hoisted into the air by two large men and gently placed back on the ground, dancing ensues as men and women laugh and sing, reminding me of happiness, something I've long been without.

"I feel as though I'm missing something."

Ross laughs and suddenly someone joins the celebration, a man I would know anywhere: Aaron.  He wraps an arm completely around my waist and presses his lips to mine; "you are most definitely missing something sweetheart."

"What's going on then?"

"Ross wants his clan, which is the most powerful in Scotland, to influence the other clans into joining sides with the crown. He asked if you would come to meet his people because he didn't believe my word that the Spanish Queen loves all her countrymen, but now he does."

Ross's cheeks flush a bit out of embarrassment as he turns to speak to me. "Your majesty, you are the queen Scotland has longed for."

I look to my husband. "So there wasn't a hunting trip?"

"No, I've been in the Highlands waiting, I knew you would agree, and everyone here is thankful for the food."

I look out to the people crowded around me, they have heard and seen the king but never me, and I want to show the clan that I am not just the Spanish Queen.

"Your land is the most beautiful I have ever seen, I am beyond grateful to be here with you all, and I hope we will stand together as one for Scotland, for many years to come."

"For Scotland!" They all say in response, forgetting all titles and crowns we embrace each other, accepting me as a fellow Scot once and for all.

An aging woman comes toward me, placing her small, wrinkling hands on my stomach and smiling gently. "The child you lost will not have died in vain, good Lana, he will live through your second."

"It's impossible for me to pregnant now."

She nods, still smiling. "It is time to make another with your husband, this one will survive, be a healthy daughter to wear the Spanish crown on her head, she will be the peace, ending all the wars that have killed so many. This daughter will be like you, strong and full of courage, she will be known as the Queen of all Spain, like you."

"How can you be certain?"

She moves one hand to my cheek, holding it as I dream a mother would. "Lana, I was both blessed and cursed to see the fates of the unborn and the living, your daughter's is bright, so is yours. You will have happiness, you will find great joy, you shall produce more heirs, England and Scotland will finally be one."

"And Thomas?"

"The future will tell you."  With those words, she leaves me.

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