Chapter 26

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My absence I feel made this country stronger for once, they came together while I was in Scotland and my army is five times the size of the English. Aaron and I walk into court with my council and closest courtesans awaiting us. It's been nearly a month since the time we spent together in the Highlands, we stayed there with Ross for two weeks connecting with both the land and people, I found out not long after we set sail for Spain that I'm pregnant again.

If a daughter should come when I go into labor then the old woman would have been right, she will continue my life and legacy, but I still fear childbirth, and that the old woman's words weren't true, I'll never unite England and Scotland.  If I must die for my country and child then so be it, all I hope for is to not be forgotten, to survive through the future of my family, and be known as the queen who never showed weakness. I will not be Mary.

"I have a great announcement to make."  The court goes silent, Aaron turns to me with an eyebrow raised.  "It may be early but I know this child will survive as heir to the Spanish Crown.  I am newly pregnant with King Aaron's child!"

They all clap, smiling but not the great cheers and songs heard in Scotland.  The country of my blood has become so distant to me.

Aaron holds my hand tightly out of their view.  "What shall we name our child then?"

"I like Isabel, for a girl."

"And a son?"

"I have only the name for a daughter now."

He nods, squeezing my hand just a bit tighter as we stand before our court.  I know what he's thinking, I could miscarry or the child could die in the first hour, but this one was promised to me.  I haven't the slightest idea of how many children I will have in the future, but this one is my future, the future of Spain.


Thomas sits at his desk alone, Phillip left hours ago and the moon is high, he hasn't known sleep in several days. He let the Spaniard think he could have Spain, sit on his cousins throne while promising an armada to conquer Europe, but Thomas knows the moment Phillip has his power he won't give anything.

Both will die, Castellana and her cousin, and with the news of a second pregnancy, he prays it is a daughter. He will let the Scottish King live for a while with the crown matrimonial over Spain, and should the child be a daughter he will wait for her to come of age, kill the Scot, and force the daughter of the Spanish Queen into marriage, securing all three nations.

Many will die in his coup, many will suffer for trying to stop him; but if he fails at everything else he will be the death blow to Castellana in good time.


"Send word to Castellana, tell her of Thomas's plans as quickly as you can."
Pierre returns to his throne, folding his hands in front of him, he knows he has plenty of time but none as well. Castellana saved France in a way, putting him on the throne saved the people, and he could never have secured his reign without her.

"Keep the letter simple, and do not let it fall into anyone's hands but your own, this will save her, Spain, and Scotland."

His messenger bows, leaving the throne room and Pierre alone to his thoughts. His spy at English Court told him of Thomas's plan, but he knows only telling Castellana won't completely save her, if anything can. He hopes this will be enough.

The messenger rides through the forest, his horse galloping as quickly as possible but he can hear another rider gaining on him. An arrow is shot, piercing the back of the French messenger and the assassin dismounts to finish him off. Thomas has his spies at French Court as well, and Pierre will never know that his letter hardly made it from his castle.

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