Chapter 17

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She looks at the paper in disbelief, Queen Castellana has signed away her right to the English throne. The disbelief consumes her before anything similar to happiness can. Mary, with her broken past she won't let anyone or anything mend what has been torn apart.  She places throws the paper into the fireplace, screaming as John enters the room.

"Mary!"  He tries to salvage it but the flames have consumed it.  "Castellana signed away her right!  Now it is as if she never did!"

"She would have come for my throne no matter what signature she did to taunt me, I won't take that girl's word for anything."

"Queen Castellana wants peace, Mary, she announced her pregnancy, she desires nothing more than a happy life with her husband and child.  You just ruined any future of it, this will mean war between Spain and England, you have brought Spanish hell down on your country."

"Then let the hell fires consume me!"

She screams, throwing things around the room and a paper weight at John he dodges as it hits the doorframe. "Get out!"

He says nothing more, walking down the dark halls of court wishing Castellana was here to see Mary like this, she wouldn't lay down her sword in peace then. She would kill Mary with her bare hands.


"She destroyed it?"  I shake my head in disbelief.  "She murdered my closest friend, threatened my own life, and I still signed away my right with the slightest hope it would bring her peace, we could have mended what was broken."

"There is no helping the English Queen, your majesty, with her destroying your signature you still have your blood right to her throne."

"And her threat still looms over my head."

My counselor only bows his head and leaves the room, nearly the entire court in shock of Mary's actions. I was right from the beginning, what I saw of the queen at her court was not weakness or repent of her sins, when I saw Nicole's head and the words I addressed my people with will be followed through today.

"Guards!" Two enter the room, along with Aaron. "Gather my army, and prepare the armada, we sail to England to claim my throne."

A hot tear rolls down my cheek that I quickly wipe away, I turn to Aaron as the guards leave, a hand on my womb that hasn't even rounded. "I will kill her, like I should have before, she will never have the chance to kill me or my child. I am stronger than my mother and father combined, I am Spain and Scotland, with their might behind me Queen Mary will lose her head."

Aaron says nothing, only walks behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. Silence surrounds us until he finally breaks it. "Both beautiful and cunning, I'm proud to call you my wife, Lana."

"The girl I once was is dead, Mary's heartless reign has killed her, but the queen I am now will certainly defeat her."

He squeezes my shoulder as more tears roll down my face, not out of grief, but anger.

"And long may you reign."

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