Chapter 29

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By some miracle I made it through two weeks with a fever and the constant threat of death.  I have survived, for as long as fate allows with my daughter. John sits with me now, talking about the diplomatic matters of Spain, he finally puts his papers aside and holds eye contact with me.

"What's bothering you, Castellana?"

"How many times must I ask you to call me Lana?"

He smiles gently.  "And how many times are you going to try to change the subject?"

"Alright you win, but only because I'm tired, and I suppose I'm just worried about my baby, my husband, my reign in general."

"Your rule over Spain is secured with Lyanna."

"For how long?"  I stand and go to the window, looking down at the garden where my husband holds her, letting the child soak up the warm sun.  "Thomas will come back."

"You have never been afraid of anything, Lana."

I look over my shoulder at him when he says that.  "Well, if you must know I've been frightened all my life, I just never let it control me."

"Then don't let it control you now."

I make my way to join my husband in the garden, John walking at my side.  I take Lyanna in my arms, her blue eyes peer back at me and all I can do in this moment is admire what Aaron and I have made together.  John squeezes my shoulder, he reminds me of Louis, in all his kindness and I never knew how much I missed such a feeling.

"I'll leave the three of you," he says. 

When he's out of sight Aaron places his hands at my waist and leans over, kissing my forehead and admiring our daughter as well.  "She has your beauty."

"Your nose," I blurt out.

We both laugh and he finally turns his eyes up to rest on mine.  "We will both live to see her grown."

"I know, and I'm alright."

His smile widens, "I love you Lana."

"And I you."  Until the very end I will.

One month later...

After much deliberation with my council and John there is only one way to finally take England, and get rid of Thomas before he was a chance to do so with me. Pierre, the man I put on the French throne is my ally, and now my only hope.

He sits with me here in Scotland, nodding his head at the finished plan. "I believe it will work, I can say you wanted part of my profits from taxes since you put me on the throne, Thomas will think of me his ally."

"Good, it has to work or I'm as good as dead. Get him distracted, I will come in and finish it."

He smiles, taking my hand. "In return for this Lana, my wife is with child, should it be a son we can arrange a betrothal between him and your daughter."

"That would be wonderful, Pierre."

He smiles and leaves me alone in the room to gather the armies, they will stand ready should anything go wrong, but Pierre travels to English Court to face Thomas tomorrow.  My daughter cries from the other room, I go to her, stroking her cheek.  "I promise you my dear, I will not leave you alone in this world like I was."

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