Chapter 25

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Sexual content in this chapter.

In a tent, with two candles flickering in the soft breeze and the sound of other lovers through the thin walls and blankets. This is a wild land, I'm reminded, where such things as making love do not have to be kept in private quarters with the most decency. Here, in the Highlands, Aaron and I press our bodies to one another, but can't seem to get close enough.

He holds my hips in place tightly but never enough to hurt, thrusting himself inside me as I roll my head back in pleasure.  He kisses my neck, sweat forming on his skin as I take in the outline of his body through the faint glow of the candles.

"You are the most beautiful woman, Lana." His voice is filled with want as he bites my collarbone, sending chills up my spine. "How did I get so lucky?"

We stare at one another, resting with his arms on either side of me, a stupid and attractive smirk on his face.

"Well, if I remember correctly I liked you more than a thirteen year old prince."

He laughs, "he would be older now though, if you had married."

"Still a boy, and you Aaron King of Scots, are very much a man."

He swoops back down, crashing his lips against mine as we continue our fight for dominance, him winning every time but I know I'm letting him, I love it more than I'll ever be able to admit.  As the minutes go by in a hazy blur, we lay together, one candle burned down and the other barely giving light.  He runs a callused hand up and down my side, propping himself up a bit to peer down at me.

"I hope our children have your looks, not mine."

"Well you are very handsome."

He laughs, "and you are stunning."

We laugh together that night, forgetting about all that has troubled us these past months. Our bodies molded together with the breeze of the highlands around us, singing songs from a time long ago. My husband, the man I know I have always loved even before we first met, if I lose everything else in this world I can't lose him, then I'll lose myself completely.

"Aaron?" I whisper.

"Lana," he takes my hand in his.

"How many children do you want?"

"As many as you give me."  He kisses my shoulder, then down my stomach, very quickly beginning again as he settles himself on top of me.

In the end we need each other, our hearts are intertwined in a story written before we took our first breaths.

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