Chapter 5

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When Jamie reached the library, he could only sense one person.

The librarian.

She was a woman who looked as though she were in her forties, with light mousy brown hair cut just a little shorter than her shoulders. Jamie made sure to keep tabs on her mind while he was there.

Not that he was threatened by her, he just had a habit of keeping tabs on the humans around him. Knowing his surrounding always made him feel more comfortable.

The librarian greeted him with a smile and a nod. He politely returned her gesture before heading into the labyrinth of shelves.

The library was an extremely large building. It had a huge desk and behind it was a doorway where the librarian was standing.

There were five computers by the back wall, all lined up with dividers separating each one. Several tables and chairs were laid out for the library users, and there were five steps with a railing which divided the lower half from the part where all the books lay.

Up the steps there were about twenty rows of shelves that stretched from ceiling to floor, covered on either side with books. Each shelf had a ladder that could be moved from either end to retrieve books from the higher shelves.

It was, all together, quite impressive.

Jamie had considered asking the librarian for some assistance in finding what he needed, but he thought he'd try himself first. He went hunting around the shelves for a while, wandering through the labyrinth, glancing from one side to the other, his eyes skimming over all of the book titles. But he found nothing.

None of them seemed like they would be any help. Jamie sighed, regretting his decision to come here in the first place.

At the time books had seemed like the best way to find out things quickly, but he hadn't accounted for the fact that he had no idea where to start, or even what books would hold the information he was looking for. Not to mention the fact that he wasn't even sure if there even were any books in existence which would contain any truthful information on Vampires. And the best place to find any information that could answer his questions would be online.

Jamie's head shot up and he looked in the direction of the librarian's desk; though he couldn't see it from where he was within the shelves.

Suddenly aware that there was silence.

The librarian was gone.

The library was empty.

He looked up at the ceiling, the lights were still on, and he hadn't heard the doors lock, although he hadn't really been paying close enough attention to hear it if they had.

She had seen him walk into the library and she hadn't seen him walk back out. Surely she wouldn't have left him here alone.

Jamie swiftly made his way through the labyrinth, moving past all of the shelves and back out to the railings by the staircase.

As soon as the desk came into view he froze, suddenly finding himself unable to move.

In the place of the librarian sat a young girl, who was holding a book in her hand studying its cover. She must have been sixteen, maybe seventeen, but she didn't look much older. The girl was beautiful in a dreamlike way, by that he meant that she was so beautiful she hardly seemed real.

She was tall for a female and beautifully proportioned with lightly tanned skin and pale blonde hair which had shimmers of gold sweeping through it.

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