Chapter 50

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Jamie couldn't believe he had kissed her so fast, and so sudden. But he had, and it had resulted in her accepting his touch. She wanted him, just like he wanted her.

He pulled her closer, strands of blonde hair falling in front of her face. He wiped them away and kissed her again. This time longer than before. He kissed her until she was left breathless. Her heart pounding so hard that he could feel its beat in his own chest.

He touched his hand to her cheek. Her skin feeling as soft as flower petals, and getting warmer as her body temperature rose. Her indigo eyes met his and she smiled, giving him that look. The one that made him feel like she could see into his soul.

Jamie returned her smile and picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist and ran, carrying her upstairs, both of them laughing as they went. He opened the door to his bedroom and dropped Sam on the bed, she laughed as she landed on the mattress, he smiled and climbed onto the bed in front of her. Pulling her towards him and kissing her, making it deep and meaningful, trying his best to ensure she knew how he felt.

Then, with none of the hesitation he had felt before he first kissed her, he grabbed the end of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. He got to his knees to take his shirt off and she unfastened his belt, ripping it off aggressively.

Jamie unbuttoned her jeans and they fell back to the mattress, tumbling over and laughing.

He spun her onto his lap and unhooked her bra, throwing it to the floor.

Pressing their bare chests together, he kissed her again, entangling his hands in her hair. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him as close as she could.

Almost as if she was scared he might try to let her go.

But he never would.

He loved her.

And it was clear in this moment that she loved him too.

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