Book 2 - Chapter 26

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"Learn anything interesting?" Jack asked. He was in his corporeal form. Sam could tell because people glanced at him curiously as they walked past, on their way home early after the school had done a roll-call to make sure everyone who was present today had gotten out safely.

Which they had.

No one died, and the only ones injured were those involved in the cafeteria fight.

"Today I learned that Jamie is the oldest person alive who owns a Nintendo DS," Sam said as she stepped closer.

Jack frowned thoughtfully for a moment, pushing himself away from the wall he had been leaning against. "I don't think that's true."

Sam smiled. "I've seen him play it.

"No," Jack said disbelievingly. "There must be someone older."

"Who's the oldest person you know?" Jamie asked Jack, who was gazing thoughtfully at the red bricked wall of the school.

"Atropos . . . I think she's the oldest of the three . . . " He shook his head. "I don't think she plays, the Moirai aren't really the gaming type. Anyway, he's just a kid, of course he has a Nintendo."

"I'm at least eight times your age," Jamie said.

"I know that physically I look like a damn sexy twenty-six year old, but I'm actually a damn sexy forty-five year old," Jack said with an amused smile. "And unlike Vampires, we Ghosts actually continue to age psychologically once we cease to age physically."

"What are you talking about?" Jamie asked, at the same time Sam said, "You're so old."

"Vampires don't age psychologically, it's why, no matter how long you live you'll always behave like a kid."

"Firstly, I'm actually two hundred and seven . . . secondly, physically I'm nineteen. Neither of those ages are anywhere near kid."

Jack smiled and shook his head. "Exactly what a kid would say . . . I rest my case."

"Well I beg to differ."

"You'll beg no differ!" Jack spoke loudly, eyeing Jamie as if daring him to attempt to speak. Some students walking out the gate turned to look in Jack's direction, before they giggled and walked away.

Sam laughed when she saw the thoughtful expression on Jamie's face as he attempted to think of something smart to say. "Don't even try," she said. "There is no comeback for that."

Jamie sulked. "So's your face," he mumbled to Jack who was smiling triumphantly.

All he said in response was, "Kid."

"I don't know why you sent him," Sam said, pointing towards Jamie. "He hated school so much he burned it down and he was only there for a day."

"That was you?" Jack asked, giving Jamie a look of astonishment. Though he seemed more impressed than anything else.

Jamie shrugged as if it were nothing. "People were acting strange, being possessed, I distracted them with explosions."

"Possessed?" Jack furrowed his brow and looked in Sam's direction.

"We found a link to your mystery monster," Sam said. "Well . . . Jamie figured it out."

"I knew I liked you for a reason!" Jack declared, spreading his arms wide. "Hug me!"

"I'm okay, thanks," Jamie said with a laugh.

"Don't be a bastard." Jack wrapped his arms around an uncomfortable looking Jamie, and squeezed him for a moment, then patted him on the back as he released his grasp. "There," he said. "Your reward for doing your job."

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