Chapter 20

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Michelle walked into the library slowly, the creak of the door echoing loudly in the empty room.

She'd worked at the library for over ten years. And in all of the ten years that she'd worked there she'd never felt as disturbed by the aura of the building as she had in these past few weeks. The room in the daytime was never the same as it was at night. And perhaps that was why she had never before noticed the voiceless whispers and the faceless shadows that seemed to haunt every crevice of the old building.

Since Jessie had taken the summer off and she'd been forced, for the first time in all the years she'd worked there, to work the night shift, she found that she had become terrified of not only being there alone, but of being there alone at night.

She switched the lights on and ventured in further, shaking off her fear as she repeatedly told herself that it was all in her head. These mantras had become a part of her daily routine, something she had to tell herself so that her legs would allow her to walk to her desk instead of forcing her to turn and run back home as they so desperately wanted to.

It was only when she got to her desk that she felt it.

The strong sense of Magic in the air.

She furrowed her brow and walked behind the desk. Only moving towards the sense because she knew that the Magic she felt was Sam's. Although she and Sam weren't friends, given their age gap there were no social events that would cause them to ever hang out together, the younger girl had spent enough time in the library over the past few years that the sense of her Power had become a familiar thing to anyone in the town with a sixth sense strong enough to feel it.

This particular Magic was not leftover from some spell that Sam may have been casting the night previous, but was still actively working away at whatever it was she had formed it to do.

Slowly, Michelle turned to look behind her, gazing at the door to the basement where she felt the Magic was originating from.

On some level she was glad to have the extra protection of the barricades at her back, but then there was the small part of her that was completely overwhelmed by fear at the realisation that she had been right, there was something in the library that she should be afraid of.

And it was something so terrible that instead of using all of the Magic she was gifted with to kill it, Sam had only locked it away.

She didn't know what was more terrifying.

The thought that there was a monster lurking in the shadows, or the thought that this monster was something stronger than Sam.

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