Chapter 47

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Jade knocked on the door. "Smile," she hissed at Sam. 

Sam grinned widely, showing all of her teeth. "How's this?" she asked through them. Jade elbowed her in the ribs. Sam laughed.

Jamie sighed beside her and looked down at the torn and fake blood stained clothes he wore . . . after spending forever searching through some of Danny's costume choices he'd decided to dress as a zombie. "I feel ridiculous."

"Stop complaining!" Jade ordered, just as the door swung open, allowing the music that was blaring inside to spill out into the streets.

"Hi guys." Madison, dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, smiled and stepped aside to let them pass. "Come on in." Jade walked in first, followed by Jamie. Sam hesitated before stepping inside.

The air within the house felt cold and heavy. Like a dark mist was infecting the building.

Something was wrong.

"I'm glad you could make it." Madison placed her arm around Sam to lead her inside.

She shied away from her touch. "Me too," she lied, forcing a smile to make it convincing.

Jade gave her a questioning look. Sam's hands started shaking. Something is very wrong here, she thought and tried her best to project that thought to Jade with her eyes.

Jade smiled and shook her head. "You're fine," she said dismissively. "Go get a drink and calm down."

Sam looked at Jamie, who was watching her intently. His senses are more fine-tuned than Jade's, maybe he feels it too.

<Can you hear me?> Sam projected to him. Jamie nodded, his eyes never breaking contact with hers. <Jamie, there's something evil in this house>

Jamie's eyes widened as he looked around the room. His hands clenched into fists at his sides. <Do you know where?> he asked.

<No> Sam replied as she smiled at Madison and pretended to be listening to whatever she was babbling on about. <But I can sense Power in this house, and not the good kind>

Sam steadied her shaking hands. She knew there was a threat, there was no need for her hands to still be shaking. She had dealt with threats before. She always survived. It's everyone else who dies.

Sam looked around the open space. There were people everywhere. Standing around in groups or sitting on the couches that Madison had moved to the room on one side of the staircase to clear out space for dancing on the other. Would they really attack with this many people around?

She concentrated on the people in the rooms that she could see, attempting to separate their auras so she was no longer surrounded by one massive pulse of human energy. If she could separate them, then maybe she could single out the source of her discomfort.

Sam took a breath to calm herself. "I think I need a drink."

"I'll get you one," Jamie volunteered. "Anything specific?"

She shook her head. "I don't mind. Surprise me."

He gestured to the others. "Anyone else want a drink?"

Madison held her cup up for Jamie to see, indicating that she already had one. "I'll go with you," Jade said with a smile. "I know where she hides the good stuff."

Madison laughed. "Stay away from my parents' liquor. They know what's there and I am not getting in trouble because of you."

Jade laughed before walking away with Jamie, who glanced over his shoulder at Sam. <You'll be alright?>

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