Chapter 54

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Jack knew that there was something wrong with Sam. He could always tell when things weren't right with her. It was like a sixth sense he had developed through living with her since she was a child and learning to see through her bullshit.

She used to be good at pretending that she was okay, but he was never stupid enough to fall for it. Although he did, on more than a few occasions, allow her to think that he believed she was completely fine.

Sam wasn't really the type of person who enjoyed sharing feelings. And the older she got, the less she showed them.

To anyone.

But just because she didn't openly show them didn't mean that Jack couldn't see.

It has to have something to do with Jamie. And if it doesn't, well, he follows her around enough for him to have some idea as to what's happened.

Jack corporealised inside Jamie's house. He knew Sam had buried spell jars around the perimeter and carved some protective sigils somewhere. Her spells would keep anyone and everyone out of this place. Unfortunately for Jamie, anyone and everyone only included those with physical bodies.

He gazed around the living room where he had corporealised. Jamie wasn't there. He wandered in and out of all the downstairs rooms trying to find him. When he couldn't locate Jamie, he checked upstairs.

Up the stairs there was just a bedroom and a bathroom. And the stupid Vampire wasn't there either.

Jack walked back downstairs and sighed.

Where the fuck else would he be?

As far as Jack knew the only person Jamie talked to around here was Sam. And since Jack was pretty sure that Jamie wasn't with Sam right now, he should be here.

. . . If I were a Vampire, where would I be?

Jack sighed and sat down on the sofa in the living room. All these years of being dead have murdered my hunting skills. He picked up the TV remote and flicked through the channels, trying to find something interesting to watch while he waited for Jamie to come home.

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