Chapter 41

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They made their way through the woods until Sam found the fallen tree she was looking for. 

Sam stood on the fallen log, she stretched out with her arms so that each was resting on the bark of the trees on either side. Jamie watched her curiously. "Uh, Sam . . . "

"What?" she asked without turning back to look at him.

"What are you doing?"

Sam rolled her eyes.

The fact that Jamie was a Vampire, yet knew nothing about the supernatural could be very frustrating. Especially when he questioned everything she did or said. "Opening the portal," she informed him as if the answer had been obvious. Which it would have been, if he knew anything.

Sam reached up, keeping her hands on the trees until she felt the pinprick on each of her index fingers. A drop of blood from each hand was pulled from her wounds and sucked into the bark of the ancient trees.

She jumped backwards off the log, a pile of dead leaves crunched beneath her feet; she watched the air between the trees shimmer slightly, a cool breeze flowing through it. She took a few steps backwards so she was standing next to Jamie, who was rooted to the spot, watching the space where she had been intently. "I don't see anything," he said after a moment.

"That's because you have to go through it."

Jamie pointed ahead. "Through there?"

She nodded her head. "I used my blood to open it, so it will close when I go through. You have to go first."

Jamie looked at her as if she were crazy. Then he hesitantly walked towards the trees, stepped onto the fallen log and disappeared before he reached the other side.

Sam followed quickly, knowing that if she waited too long Jamie would get so scared he'd probably cry like a small girl. Which was what she assumed he did when she wasn't around, and what he had probably spent the last two centuries doing.

As Sam stepped onto the green grass, she felt the portal shut behind her. Her energy feeling more drained than it should have been by the time she got to the other side. She let out her breath slowly, closing her eyes as she attempted to regain some of her lost strength.

"Where are we?" Jamie asked. When she opened her eyes to look at him she saw that his expression was filled with bewilderment, amazement and wonder, with the slightest tinge of fear.

Sam brushed past him, walkingforward confidently despite the fact that her legs felt weak. "We're in Tír na nÓg,stupid."

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