Chapter 10

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Jamie looked at the car he had pointed to earlier. Why did I say it was mine? he wondered. He had just been hoping to spend more time with Sam and had blurted the first thing he thought of. I guess I'm lucky she said no, otherwise I would have had to steal that car, and then teach myself how to drive in five seconds.

Jamie laughed at his own idiocy and started walking the same way Sam had. He could see her right ahead of him, walking at a casual pace, unaware that she was being followed.

When he stretched his senses and could hear the hum of music. She had headphones on. How could she block her senses with noise while walking down vacant streets in the middle of the night? Did she not know how dangerous that could be? What if someone were to sneak up and attack her? She'd never see it coming because she was shutting herself off from her surroundings.

Jamie felt himself frown as he realised she would be walking alone at this hour every night. And sure . . . she would be safe tonight, but what about tomorrow night? Or the night after that?

Sam turned and walked up the driveway to a two storey detached house. She took her keys out of her pocket, opened the door and walked inside, using her foot to kick the door closed behind her. Jamie stood in the shadows down the end of the driveway.

He didn't hear her speak, which he found a little strange. Wouldn't she announce that she's home to whoever was inside? Perhaps everyone's asleep, he thought. He stretched his senses to see how many people were in the house.

Jamie felt an anxiousness in the pit of his stomach when he sensed only Sam. Surely she doesn't live alone?

A light in one of the upstairs windows flicked on. Sam came into his view, she walked over to the window, looking out for a moment. Jamie prayed she didn't look at him. What would he do if she saw him?

Jamie stood where he was. <I am just a shadow> he thought and sent his thought out into the air. He hadn't wanted to use any of his mind manipulations on her, but he didn't want her to catch him outside her house even more.

Jamie saw what looked like a smile play on the corner of Sam's lips, almost as if she'd heard his thought. Though that would have been impossible, Sam was human, wasn't she? She closed the curtains without looking at Jamie once. He sighed with relief at not being caught. A few minutes later the light went off.

Jamie stood outside her house for about an hour, just staring at the brick walls and the darkened windows, stretching his senses as far as he could just so he could hear her heart beating as she fell asleep.

What are you doing? he asked himself, taking a step back as he suddenly realised where he was and what he was doing. You can't follow a girl home and just stand outside her house in the dark. What will people think if they see you?

He shook his head, then turned and began the journey home, the whole way telling himself that the only reason he had followed her home was because it was dark and he didn't want her walking alone. He just wanted to make sure she got home safely.

Jamie told himself this over and over again, all the while knowing it was a lie.

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