Chapter 31

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There was a knock on the door just a few minutes after Jamie ran out of the school. Sam looked up as it opened and in walked a boy with short, dark hair.

"Elliot?" Ms Mason asked, looking up from her desk. The boy nodded. Ms Mason smiled at him, then she turned to face the class. "Everyone, this is Elliot, he's new so be kind." She turned back to Elliot. "You can take one of the empty seats."

The boy didn't even look around the room at the empty seats. He didn't spend even second assessing the people at the desks around the empty ones to find one that would be most suitable.

Instead he walked forward confidently as if he knew exactly where he wanted to be.

He walked past Sam, smiling at her as he did, then dropped his bag to the floor and took the seat directly behind her. "Hi," he said.

Sam didn't turn around to look at him even though she knew he was speaking to her. She heard him move and a shadow was cast over her desk. Sam leaned back in her chair, her arms hovering inches from the desk, not wanting the shadow to touch her.

It was too dark. Pure black actually, which it shouldn't have been.

She turned her head to find Elliot leaning forward in his chair, his arms resting on the table. She noticed he had a tattoo on his left wrist, a black star and crescent moon. She looked at it for a moment, the image filling her mind with a vague sense of recollection. Elliot grinned at her in a predatory way, showing all of his teeth. Sam narrowed her eyes at him, and pushed out with her senses. This guy was obviously something. She could see it in the way he was watching her.

Elliot's mind was surprisingly easy to get inside of. Which only caused Sam to feel confused. Anything non-human would have mazes and walls and barriers that would make reading their thoughts extremely difficult.

But she was inside Elliot's head with no effort whatsoever, and he didn't even seem to notice she was in there. Because if he knew she was in there she was sure he would have cleaned up his thoughts a little. Because most of them consisted of the various ways in which he believed he would be able to get Sam naked. And then various images of what he thought would happen after.

Sam rolled her eyes and groaned internally. Retracting her psychic net, no longer wanting to see all of the disgustingness inside his mind. The memory of what she'd seen left her feeling like she needed to go home and scrub her brain with bleach.

He wasn't a non-human. He was just a creep. He nodded towards her notebook, and chewing on the lid of his pen said, "You're impervious to Vampires?"

"Yes," Sam replied, her tone serious and unamused. She had no time for humans or boys who thought of her like that. "I'm impervious to Vampires."

Without wasting any more of her time or energy speaking to him, she turned around to face the front of the class where Ms Mason was going on about Shakespeare or something. Sam wasn't really paying attention, because all she could see was that the shadow on her desk had vanished.

And all she could do was wonder what it was and where it had gone.

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