Chapter 33

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"Jack!" Sam yelled out to the empty room, keeping her hands firmly pressed over Jamie's chest where the arrow protruded in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

Barely a second later Jack was by her side, looking around in complete confusion.


Sam cut him off by speaking over him, there was no time for questions. "Corporealise!" she ordered. "You have to hold down on the wound." Jack did as he was told and knelt beside Jamie. Taking her place beside him, keeping his hands around the arrow that was sticking out of Jamie's chest, and putting pressure on the bleeding.

Placing his hands over hers, as she moved away. Her hands now covered in warm blood, so much that it dripped from her fingers, leaving a trail along the floor as she stood and walked to the door.

Throwing it open and looking out, glaring at the Vampire Hunters that she knew were hiding among the trees. She concentrated her energy and sent it out in a blast at the three Vampire Hunters that were currently running forward, making their way towards Jamie's house. The blast of energy threw all three of them backwards. One of them hit into one of the trees, and was skewered on a low-hanging branch, which fortunately for him meant instant death.

The other two scurried to their feet and pointed their weapons in Sam's direction. Without hesitation, she sent out another wave of Power, this time ensuring it was lethal. The Vampire Hunters shrieked in agony as they were consumed by flames that burned so hot their bodies were reduced to nothing more than piles of ash within seconds.

Sam used her Magic to clear the scene of any evidence of a fight. The body and the ash and the destruction vanished in an instant, leaving nothing behind so that it was as though nothing had ever happened.

Sam closed the door, and put a temporary barrier spell around the house. Moving as quickly as was possible as she was fully conscious of the Vampire currently dying on the floor; his body still as it was probably wondering if it should heal the open wound and seal within itself the poison it had been injected with, or continue to excise the poison and instead die from blood loss.

With the blood that still stained her hands, Sam drew some runes on the wall of Jamie's home, drawing the outline of a portal on the living room wall while simultaneously reciting the incantation to activate the runes. Sam bent down and picked up a piece of broken glass from the floor, stabbing the sharp edge into the palm of her hand, she winced at the pain as she dug the glass in deep enough to draw a sufficient amount of her own blood to give it a kick of Magic that was necessary to open the portal.

She then slapped her bleeding hand against the wall, the runes she had drawn began to glow as the Magic was pulled from her blood and absorbed into the wall. Into the runes she projected a thought of her home, opening a doorway between here and there.

"Can you carry him through?" Sam asked, as she pulled her palm away from the wall, cradling the hand against her chest as she allowed the wound to heal.

"Is he even still alive?" Jack asked unsurely, as he looked from Sam to the deathly still Vampire on the floor.

"He should be okay for a few more minutes . . . maybe," Sam said. "After that he'll be dead from blood loss."

Jack picked Jamie up, carrying him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing at all. Sam ran to the door, picked up her backpack and followed Jack through the portal, making sure to close it behind her so nothing could follow them through.

Sam ran to the kitchen and found her magical first-aid kit.

When she ran back in she saw that Jack had taken Jamie's jacket off and was about to lie him down on the couch. "Keep him sitting up," she said to Jack, who did as he was told and held Jamie in an upright position.

Sam snapped the head off the arrow, then pulled the remnants of it out of Jamie's chest. She used the scissors to cut his torn and blood stained shirt off, pealing the fabric away from the blood that kept it plastered to his skin. She took out one of the creams she had made up for whenever she got hit with Hunter weapons. The bottle contained enough herbal ingredients and enough Magic that it could pull any foreign toxins out of his body and heal up the wounds.

At least that was what the cream did when she was injured. She could only hope that it would work the same for Jamie.

She didn't know much about Vampire biology, but she could only assume that a cream made to extract poison for a non-human creature like Sam could fulfil the same purpose on another type of non-human.

Sam applied a large amount of the cream onto the wound on Jamie's chest and the corresponding tear on his back. Afterwards she put a bandage on either side.

Jack lay Jamie down on the couch, and they both left him there to rest.

Hopefully he would heal . . .because if not, he would die.

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