Chapter 3

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Jamie had been Turned almost two centuries ago, but it wasn't until that evening that he actually came up with a proper plan to find out more about what he was.

He had spent most of his undead life travelling the world, relentlessly searching for another Vampire to guide him. To teach him all the things he felt he should know. All of the things that the Sire who abandoned him should have stuck around to tell him.

Over the years he had managed to figure out most of his strengths for himself, but he was too scared to attempt to figure out his weaknesses.

And not knowing one's weaknesses was a weakness in itself.

The fact that he was a Vampire and yet found it impossible to find even a trace of another one had always made Jamie feel perplexed and more than a little useless. What good was being a Vampire if he couldn't even use his hunting and tracking skills to find something that, for him, should be so blatantly simple?

What made Jamie feel even more useless was that after almost two centuries of searching, it wasn't until this evening that he had thought of something that was such a simple idea it made him feel like an imbecile for not thinking of it sooner.


He walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs to the living room, where he proceeded to think of how and where he could find some useful information about Vampires, like for example, where they might be found.

Given the decade that it was, the internet was the obvious first choice. Jamie turned his head to the corner of the living room where his computer sat. He had never used it for research before, the sole purpose of the device was to provide him with entertainment during sleepless days, and of course, to give him access to eBay, where he made money by selling some of the more useless things he had acquired over the years.

Before he had even taken a step towards the computer, Jamie dismissed the idea of doing research online.

Although the internet did give people access to anything and everything they wanted, Jamie knew from previous experience, that in order to find what you were looking for you'd have to spend hours upon hours sifting through all of the junk first.

Jamie paced the floor, the room filled with nothing but the sound of his shoes hitting off the hard wood. He looked around as he thought, hoping that something in the room would inspire him with a useful idea.

His eyes shifted past the sofa, the TV, the stacks of DVD's and games that lay around it, the kitchen door, the computer, the staircase, and then they settled upon something that made him feel as though he should be kicked and beaten to death for his idiocy.


He had always known that the simplest idea was, more often than not, the one that worked best. So why would he think of using the internet before he thought of using books?

Jamie grabbed his jacket from the coat hanger next to the door.

Forthe first time since he had moved to this town, he would pay a visit to thelocal library.

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