Chapter 48

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They left the party pretty quickly after arriving. After her encounter with Malachi, Sam didn't feel in much of a party mood. 

Her Magic had been getting steadily weaker over the past few weeks, that was something she wasn't in denial about.

She knew that it was happening.

She knew how to stop it.

And yet, in spite of that knowledge she did nothing.

Jamie walked them to Sam's house and offered to stay. But Sam sent him home. He was the last person she wanted to be around right now, because she knew what he'd say to her when he discovered what the problem was. So she managed to convince him that she was tired and just needed to rest.

In the end, he only left when Jade assured him that she'd stay with Sam and ensure that she was well taken care of.

The only issue then, was that Jade refused to leave.

Sam threw herself down on her bed, face first, and groaned silently into her pillows.

Jade stepped into the room and shut the door behind her, taking a seat on Sam's bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" Sam asked, her voice muffled by the pillows.

Jade let a sigh. "Where do you want me to start?"

Sam turned herself around so that she could see Jade's face. Jade just watched her, one perfectly shaped eyebrow raised, her lips forming a half smile as she watched Sam, all knowing and disapproving.

With a sigh Sam pushed herself upright.

"Okay," Jade said, moving further onto the bed so that she could get herself in a more comfortable position. "Let's play what the fuck is wrong with Sam . . .

"I think a good place to start is that your life is pretty shitty, what with all those crazy people wanting you dead."

Sam nodded her head. "Always a good place to start."

"So those crazy people do bad things to you and the people around you, and instead of blaming them you blame yourself. And because you blame yourself, you think that you need to be punished. So you punish yourself, by making your own life more difficult than it has to be. You have the Power to fight, so do it. Simple as."

Somewhere inside her Sam knew that Jade's words made sense. But there were other voices within her mind that spoke louder than Jade's reason. Sam rubbed her eyes, smudging her make-up all over her face. "I just want it to be over."

"Sam, listen, I'm your friend and I care about you. But if you don't cut the crap I will hit you."

Sam rolled her eyes.

"Seriously," Jade placed her hand on Sam's. "everyone goes through dark times. Ending yourself is never the best way to make the bad things end. You have to fight through all of the crap, because the only way to win against the inside monsters is to get through to the other side. Don't let them win, you're better than that."

There was a long moment after Jade had stopped speaking in which there was nothing but silence. Sam just thought back to when Jack had given her an immortality spell and told her that if she didn't say it before the end of the year that she'd loose her Powers.

That was all he'd said to her, because he didn't need to tell Sam what would happen to her if she lost her Powers completely. As Sam was born with Magic, her body wasn't one that could survive being human.

Jade let a sigh. "I'm not going to tell you to say the spell, but I do think you're being stupid by refusing to . . . I mean, if you die, I'll have to make new friends. And Jamie, he'll have to find a whole new girl to stalk . . . "

Sam laughed a little. Jade smiled. "I think I might be the only other girl he knows in town. So I need you to stay alive, because if you die, I think I might be next. Just saying . . . he did say I look great."

Jade kicked off her sandals and lay down on one of Sam's pillows. "I hope you're being nice to him, because I think he likes you."

Sam rolled her eyes and lay down next to Jade. "Well obviously he likes me, I'm not stupid."

"So have you kissed him yet?"

Sam stared in Jade's direction and laughed as though that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. "I said I knew he liked me, who said I liked him?"

Jade smiled widely, and rolled her eyes. "Oh, please . . . he's like the only person—apart from me and Jack—who you've willingly hung out with in the past like two years . . . why would you hang out with him if you didn't like him?"

Sam scoffed a little. "I hang out with him because he's ridiculous and I think that if he's left alone he'll probably die. So I'm doing a good deed by keeping him alive."

Jade laughed so hard she almost fell of the bed. "Yeah right, like I'm falling for that one. You totally like him, and I'll be right here to say I told you so when you're finally ready to admit that."

"Whatever, shut up and go to sleep."

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