Chapter 16

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Both Sam and Jack were reading in silence when a hispanic boy with brown hair walked into the library. The second Sam saw him she wished she had time to chant an invisibility spell. Because if she were invisible she wouldn't have to deal with him . . . again.

"Hey Sam," he said hesitantly as he approached the librarian's desk. "I heard you were working here."

"Only 'til the end of the summer," Sam said.

She hated talking to Scott.

It wasn't just hard for her; she could tell it was difficult for him too. Which is why she wished he would just stop trying to be friends with her. It would be better for them both if he would just move on to something better. Scott stood there chewing his lower lip, staring at his shoes, his hair falling in front of his face. Sam took a breath. "Something you needed?" she asked, and hoped it was books.

It had been two years since she'd broken up with Scott, just after her grandmother was killed. Scott still wasn't over it, and if Sam were being honest, neither was she. The only reason she had broken up with him then was because she wanted to keep him safe, and the only way she could think of doing that was to stay away from him.

"No," he said, and looked at her. "Not really. I just wanted to see you." Sam let her eyes wander in Jack's direction; he had his back to the librarian's desk and was politely pretending he couldn't hear anything. She looked back at Scott.

"I'm going on vacation tomorrow," he said. "For a month." Sam nodded along but wasn't sure why he was telling her. "I'll be gone for your birthday, so I wanted to give you this now."

Oh no, Sam thought as Scott placed a gift on the librarian's desk. She sighed. He did this every year. On her birthday and on Christmas and even one year on Valentine's day. He didn't seem to understand the meaning of 'we're not together anymore'. Scott smiled. "I've gotta go now," he said and walked away without giving Sam time to respond.

"Wait," she called after him. He continued walking away and out the library doors, acting as though he hadn't heard her speak.

Sam let an exasperated sigh. She grabbed the gift off the desk, jumped up out of her chair and followed Scott. Jack stayed where he was, paying no attention to her. She threw the doors open and stepped outside. "Scott, wait!" she called.

He froze at the gate and slowly turned around to face her. Sam ran to where he was standing. She held the gift out to him. "I can't accept this," she said.

Scott kept his hands by his sides, refusing to take it back. "Sure you can," he said. "It's a gift."

"You shouldn't be buying me gifts," Sam said. "We're not together and I don't want you to get the wrong idea or anything."

Scott took the gift back and immediately got that look on his face again. The same one he always got when they had this conversation. The one that made Sam feel like she was breaking his heart all over again. "So, what?" he asked and shrugged. "Does that mean we can't even be friends?" Sam didn't answer. They couldn't be anything anymore. "Did I ever do anything to make you hate me?"

Sam sighed. "No," she said. "You're like the nicest person in the world." Which made breaking up with you so hard, she added in her head. It was necessary, Sam told herself. It had to be done.

Scott held the gift out. "Then take it," he said. "It's a friend gift, it doesn't mean anything."

Sam struggled to decide. Scott looked at her and smiled, his brown eyes wide and hopeful as they stared into hers. Sam forced a smile and took the gift out of his hand. "Thanks," she said.

Scott appeared relieved that she had taken the gift. "Would I be pushing it if I asked for a hug?" he said and opened his arms.

Sam knew she shouldn't, it might give him ideas. But she really wanted that hug, so she shook her thoughts away and wrapped her arms around him. Scott held her tightly and Sam held on just as tight. He pressed his head against hers, his chin resting on her shoulder. "I miss you," he whispered into her hair.

Sam missed him too, but she didn't say that. Instead she just held on tighter. After a while she muttered, "I should go back inside."

Scott hesitated before letting her go. "Yeah," he said and smiled. "And I should probably go home."

Sam smiled. "Have fun on vacation," she said and started walking away.

"I'll see you at school," Scott said and walked out the library gates.

Sam headed back towards the building. She tore the wrapping paper open and looked at the gift inside.

She pursed her lips and heldback a smile as she shook her head. Doesn'tmean anything, she thought, what aliar. Sam walked through the library doors, then cursed to herself as thepower went out and the room was plunged into complete darkness.

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