Chapter 45

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Sam got up off the couch at the sound of the bell and walked to the front door, expecting to find Jamie on the other side. She felt her expression turn to a frown when instead she found a relatively tall girl with dark skin, shiny black hair and green eyes smiling at her. 

Jade raised an eyebrow. "Expecting someone else?" she asked with a knowing smile.

"Maybe." Sam looked Jade up and down, from the gold gladiator sandals on her feet to the gold jewels in her hair. "Or maybe I just wasn't expecting to open the door to Cleopatra."

Jade laughed and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. "Where's your costume?" she asked as she looked at Sam's outfit disapprovingly.

"I'm dressed as a human," Sam said with a smile as she looked down at her jeans, then back at Jade. "Can't you tell?"

Jade rolled her eyes. "Very funny." She grabbed onto Sam's wrist and marched through the hall, pulling her upstairs. "I knew you'd try to get out of it."

"Get out of what?" Sam asked innocently.

"You know wh—" Jade was cut off by the chiming of the doorbell. She frowned as she looked at the door. "Whoever it is won't get you out of this."

Sam stayed on the landing at the top of the staircase while Jade went downstairs and flung the door open.

"Nice try Sam!" Jade called when she saw Jamie standing on the threshold. She threw the plastic bag she had brought with her up to Sam, who leaned forward and caught it with one hand. "Go put that on!"

"What?" Sam opened the bag and looked inside to find a black dress and a Witch's hat. "You brought me a costume?" She gave Jade her most unimpressed look.

Jade just smiled. "I already told you. There's nothing that will get you out of going. Now go and dress up."

"Get her out of going to what?" Jamie asked Jade, then looked at Sam. "I thought we had plans."

"We do," Sam stated. "I promised—"

"I don't care!" Jade interrupted, then turned to Jamie and said, "We're going to a Halloween party . . . You're coming with us."

"I am?" Jamie sounded surprised. He looked towards Sam. "You mean I'm actually invited to be seen in public with you?"

Sam frowned, knowing that, at this point, there was nothing she could do or say that would get her out of having to go out tonight. She stormed off to her room with the bag swinging in her hand.

"That means yes," she heard Jade say as the front door closed.

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