Book 2 - Chapter 17

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"Jamie!" He opened his eyes to find himself on the floor, with Jade standing over him. "What the fuck happened you idiot! What did you do?"

"I . . . " Jamie blinked his eyes to get them to focus. He pushed himself off the floor and into a sitting position. "I tried to go inside Sam's head to wake her up . . . how did I get on the floor?"

"Um . . . " Jade looked up towards Jack before answering.

Jamie followed her line of sight. Jack was sitting on the edge of Sam's bed with Danny, and behind them Sam sat with the duvet wrapped around her legs and her hand pressed to her cheek. "Yeah . . . Sorry about that," Jack said to Jamie. "That was my bad."

"Don't apologise to him!" Sam yelled, wearing an expression of indignation. "He's not the one you punched in the face!"

"You were having a fit!" Jack yelled in his defence, turning to face her. "And you refused to wake up."

"So how does that explain how I ended up on the floor?"

"You were in Sam's head," Jack explained. "You had a psychic link with Sam's subconscious, meaning you were in a trance. And when I woke Sam up, it broke the link, taking your psychic projection and throwing it back at you . . . I already said sorry and I'm not doing it again."

"Well," Jamie said with a sigh. "At least she's awake now."

Jack nodded his head.

"What do you remember?" Danny asked Sam, ignoring everyone else and wasting no time before beginning his interrogation.

Sam looked at him. Her expression suddenly going blank, as if she was trying with all of her efforts to mask any feelings she may be having. "Shifters," she said. "They brought me a box. Jamie buried the box out back. He rang the doorbell about an hour later. A Ban Sídh screamed. His eyes went all shadowy, then whatever was puppeteering him killed me. Then Jack woke me up and forced me against my will to say a spell, and then I went into regeneration mode, and then Jack punched me in the face . . . and now I'm here. The end."

"You sure he was possessed?" Danny asked, with a meaningful and very hostile glance at Jamie.

Sam rolled her eyes. "I'm sure."

"I think she'd know if she was murdered by her own boyfriend."

The room seemed to go quiet, and everyone stared at Jack. "What?" he said, his expression seemed confused. "Is there something on my face?"

"He's not my boyfriend," Sam said, at the same time Jamie said, "She's not my girlfriend."

Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Seriously, are we still playing this game?"

Sam glared at Jack and shook her head.

"Why are you all for this?" Danny asked. "Last time a boy looked at Sam you tried to murder him."

"He was human," Jack said dismissively. "And let's be honest . . . how awesome would it be if Sam's babies were half Vampire? I've never seen a baby that was born Vampire, do you have any idea how rare that is? We could all be famous!"

"Vampires can't have babies," Jamie said at the same time Sam yelled, "No one is having Vampire babies!"

Jamie looked at Sam curiously; she sighed and turned away. Jack laughed a little. "Vampires can only have babies with other non-humans, and since Sam is about as powerful as non-humans can be, I figure she could carry a Vampire child. It would be awesome, and we would call it Jack."

Jamie laughed. "What if it was a girl?"

Jack rolled his eyes as if the answer to that was obvious. "Then we'd call her Jackie . . . obviously."

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