Chapter 56

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Sam glared at the car as she approached it.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to think that Jamie was following me everywhere in a car. Vampires don't even need cars.

As she walked towards it she wondered how long it had really been following her. She only started to notice it after she told Jamie to leave her alone, but pretty much the only reason she noticed it at all was because she thought Jamie was driving it. It could have been following her all year and she wouldn't have realised.

"What are we going to do?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know," Sam replied.

She had been racking her brain for a useful suggestion for the past minute. But since her body had started deteriorating her mind hadn't been able to think as fast as it used to. "Um . . . I suppose we could knock on the window and find out who's there. I've got my dagger and a little Magic I can use and you've got your Vampireness. We can take them if we need to."

"Let me knock," Jamie said, "and stay behind me."

He moved himself in front of Sam, keeping his arm out to shield her. Sam let him as he was now physically stronger than her there was no point in arguing with the logic behind him going near the strange car first.

As they came close enough he reached out and knocked on the window, which was tinted so dark she couldn't even make out a silhouette behind it.

Sam jumped when she heard the door click on the other side of the car. "Someone's coming," she whispered to Jamie. He nodded and took three steps back, keeping her behind him the whole time.

Sam saw the top of someone's head over the other side of the vehicle. The hair was cut short, which made Sam immediately think that it was a man. She wrapped her hand around the hilt of her blade and squeezed it tightly, getting ready to use it if she had to.

The door in front of them swung open. Sam looked from behind Jamie at the man who was stepping out. He was youngish, with light mousy brown hair that was cut tight. He was dressed in a military uniform. He smiled at Sam as if she should recognise him . . . she didn't, but played along, forcing herself to smile back.

She looked at his eyes and immediately knew that something wasn't right.

The man who had gotten out of the car on the other side came around to where she and Jamie were standing. He was older than the other guy, but he was also wearing a uniform. Only his looked more official. As he stared at her, Sam noticed that he was carrying a large wooden chest in his hands.

Both of the men were looking at Sam strangely.

Almost as if they knew her and as if she was supposed to know them.

Jamie stepped in front of Sam, completely blocking her from their line of sight. "Who are you, and what do you want?" he asked the men, though it sounded more like a demand than a question.

The older one stepped forward. "I am General Pike, this is Officer Smith. We are looking for a Miss Samantha Jacobs."

"What for?" Jamie asked.

"It's about your brother, Daniel," the younger one said directly to Sam.

Jamie looked to her for some clue as to what he should do or say next. "What about him?" she asked. Even though she was pretty sure what they were going to say to her.

"He's been killed," Officer Smith said, choking on his words as he spoke them, his eyes welling up as though he were about to cry.

Not a bad actor, Sam thought.

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