Chapter 59

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Jamie felt a shudder go through his entire body. Blurred shadows floated before his eyes. He closed them tightly, pinching the bridge of his nose to help rid himself of a building headache. He breathed in sharply, the scent of blood assailing his senses.

Slowly, he lowered his hand and opened his eyes, already knowing what he would see.

He clenched his jaw, holding back his screams as he gazed down at the lifeless body before him. Jamie reached his hand out and placed it against Sam's cheek.

Her skin was cold.

"Sam," he spoke, his voice barely able to make a sound. He moved his hand down from her face to her shoulder and firmly jerked her body. "Wake up!" he screamed. He moved closer to her, using both of his arms to lift her from the floor. Her head fell back, her neck unable to support its weight. He put one hand behind her head to try hold it up. "You have to wake up!" he said, shaking her again. "You're not human . . . you can't die!"

Jamie looked down at Sam's unresponsive body, his hands shaking as his eyes darted around the room in confusion, trying to remember what had happened. Warm drops of blood fell onto his hand. He took it out from under Sam's head and looked at the crimson drops, slowly shifting his gaze to the wound they had come from.

He held his breath when he saw the tear in Sam's neck. Blood covered the whole left side, and spread up to her jaw line and down onto her t-shirt.

That was the first time Jamie noticed the taste in his mouth.

The taste of fresh blood—but not the taste of human blood.

He gently placed Sam down on the floor and used the hand not stained by her blood to wipe his mouth. He took his hand away from his face and looked at it. Then he brought his other hand up and stared at both of them in horror.

He was covered in blood.

Sam's blood.

Jamie let his hands fall down to his lap and looked at Sam, letting tears flow freely. "Sam," he whispered, moving towards her again, cradling her body in his lap. "I'm sorry," he sobbed, rocking her back and forth. "I'm so sorry." Jamie held her close, hugging her cold, lifeless corpse. He kissed her forehead and looked down at her face.

She was beautiful.

Even in death she was beautiful.

"I can fix you," he whispered, knowing she couldn't hear him but not caring. "I can fix you." He brought his arm up to his mouth and bit down hard, opening a wound on his wrist. Blood trickled down his arm as he brought it to Sam's lips.

He held it there hoping his blood would be able to heal her. But she wouldn't take it. "Drink," he whispered pressing his wrist closer, trying to get the blood to go down. "Drink it!" Jamie shook her again, hoping he could jerk her awake for long enough to make her drink just a little.

It was useless.

And in his heart he knew it.

He knew that she was dead, too far gone for him to bring her back.

He lay her down on the floor, wiping away his tears as an eerie calm settled within him.

He crossed her arms over her chest and fixed her head so that she looked like she was comfortable. He kissed her one last time before he stood up, and slowly walked away.

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