Chapter 49

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Jamie leaned forward, his eyes still on Sam. She let an irritated sigh; he had been watching her like that for at least four hours. 

"So, how come I have no heartbeat then?"

"Of course you have a heartbeat you idiot. If you didn't your body wouldn't have the ability to pump all that blood you drink," she stated. Jamie raised a sceptical eyebrow, then placed two fingers from his right hand onto his left wrist. Sam rolled her eyes. "You won't be able to check your pulse the way a human would. A Vampire's heart, on average, only beats once every two minutes, making it virtually undetectable. You could probably hear it if you listened through a stethoscope or something, but you'd have to have the patience to sit there and wait for it to beat."

"Hmmm . . . " Jamie moved his wrist to his ear. "If I stayed like this for five minutes would I hear it?"

She shrugged. "Maybe."

Jamie smiled and let his arm fall to his side. "I'll check it later."

"Any more questions?" Sam asked with a sideways glance towards the window. Outside the sky was completely black. There were no streetlamps anywhere near Jamie's house, which meant that it was so dark outside, she couldn't even see how dark it was. When she looked out the window all she could see was a void, a black space of nothing. Meaning it was very late and she should probably go home soon.


She turned her attention back to Jamie. He was staring at his knee. First time he's looked at something else since I got here. Sam smiled internally.

"Are you okay?" he asked, fixing his gaze on her. "I mean, you were in a really bad way the other night and I didn't hear from you at all yesterday and . . . I was really worried. So, are you okay?"

Sam sighed and closed her eyes. She wasn't in the mood for giving explanations. Especially to him, since all she had to do was say a spell to make it better. Jamie would think it was a simple solution, but it was more complicated than he would be able to comprehend.

She opened her eyes and smiled as convincingly as she knew how. "I spent yesterday in bed sleeping, I'm fine now though."

He studied her carefully. She flashed another smile, hoping it would keep him from noticing that she was wearing a glamour to make her look healthy. He sighed in defeat and closed his eyes. "Okay," he said, nodding his head. "But, you know you can tell me if there's something wrong?"

A bubble of guilt rose up through her stomach. Why did he have to say that? She suppressed the feeling and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. It was just a bug or something."

"A bug?" Jamie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I was sick, I slept it off, and now I'm fine."

"I didn't realise you could get sick."

"Of course I can, so can you for that matter." Jamie looked at her curiously, Sam continued, "We may not be human, but that doesn't mean that we can't be afflicted by illnesses. Most of them are the types that can't be caught by humans, so they're illnesses specific to . . . um . . . " Sam searched for the right word, " . . . supernatural beings. Most of those illnesses aren't majorly serious or fatal. Some are, but most aren't. And because of our supernatural resilience, we can get over sickness quicker than humans can. But we can still get sick."

Jamie thought for a moment. " . . . I don't think I've ever been sick . . . at least not as a Vampire. Perhaps as a child, though it's so long ago I can't remember."

"Lucky you," Sam said with a smile. "Being sick is not all that fun."

Jamie placed his hand on hers. Sam froze and she stared at it nervously. Her heart skipped a beat. Shit, he probably heard that. Sam glanced at his face, expecting him to be wearing a stupid grin, but he didn't seem to have noticed. Good, she thought as she looked back at his hand on hers.

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