Chapter 44

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"I wanted to hear the rest of the song," Jamie whined as they reached the other side of the portal. "What does it go like?" he asked with a smile. 

Sam sighed irritably. "I don't know."

That was a lie, she knew what the rest of it went like.

The whole of Tír na nÓg knew what the rest of that fucking song went like.

But that doesn't mean he has to know, she thought to herself.

"How could you not know?" Jamie asked doubtfully. "Surely he would have told you . . . did he not have to ask you questions about yourself to write a ballad about you? Or was it just an observational song?"

Sam hadn't really told Cayden anything. She met him on her first trip to the Faerie markets—well, not so much met as she did look at him.

But that was all it took, one look into her eyes and he knew everything about her. Of course Sam hadn't realised that until a minute later when he started strumming his mandolin and singing that ballad.

That was when she found out that Cayden had the unique ability to view a person's past. One look into their eyes and he could see everything that had ever happened in their life. If Sam had known that she never would have made eye contact. She hated that he could know so much about her without her saying a word, and the fact that he wrote a song about her only made it worse.

"I didn't tell him anything." Jamie looked as though he was about to say something else. "Have you ever been to the cliffs?" Sam asked, quickly changing the subject before he could ask anything else about Cayden's song.

Jamie looked away for a moment as he thought. " . . . I don't think so."

Sam pointed ahead, and walked in that direction. "They're right down here," she stated. "I usually walk along them on the way back from the market."

"That sounds awfully dangerous," Jamie said nervously.

"It would be kinda funny," Sam laughed as she spoke, "if I died from falling off a cliff." Jamie's head snapped around in her direction. He looked at her seriously, his expression one-hundred percent unamused. I'd find it funny, Sam thought with an internal sigh. "Just because of all the attacks and stuff," she clarified. Jamie's serious expression softened slightly. "It would be funny if I ended up dying a human death."

"Can't you just make yourself immortal?" he asked. "I saw the spell, so you could if you wanted, right? And that way you wouldn't have to die at all."

"I could," Sam said, as she looked towards the parting in the trees ahead, " . . . but I don't think I'd like living for an eternity."

Jamie stepped into the clearing first and Sam came in behind him. This was one of her favourite places. Just standing there made her feel at peace.

The grass was overgrown and wild plants grew haphazardly around the field, some of which dangled over the cliff's edge. In front of her stretched a beautifully endless ocean. "Every time I stand here I feel like I'm at the edge of the world," Sam said quietly, so as not to disturb the peace.

"I can see why," Jamie said as he looked around. "This place is nice."

Sam smiled. "Not dangerous then?"

"Well, yes, it is. But only if you step too close to the edge . . . or get bitten by a rat."

Sam looked at him sharply. "There are no rats here!"

She saw him trying to suppress his smile. "There's a couple right over there," he said, pointing at the long grass to the right of Sam. "I can hear them."

Sam looked to where Jamie was indicating. "I didn't need to know that!" she said and Jamie laughed. He ruins everything I like, she thought with a sulk.

"Sam?" Jamie spoke when his laughter had died down. She turned towards him; he had been eyeing her nervously, averting his gaze when she made eye contact. "You know a lot about all things supernatural, right?" he asked, chewing his lower lip.

Sam nodded. "That I do."

"So, then, you know a lot about Vampires too?"

She smiled, pretty sure she knew where he was going with this. "Yes."

Jamie ran his hand through his hair and gazed at her expectantly. "I know that you said I could go see Aleczander sometime soon and he'd tell me all the stuff I need to know, but, well, that's just gonna be a while because he's so busy with all of his kingly duties . . . so, I was wondering, could you do it?"

Sam raised an eyebrow. "You want me to give you a lesson on Vampires?" Jamie nodded. She laughed a little. "Sure, I suppose I could do that."

Jamie beamed. "Great."

Sam stared straight ahead and chewed her lip. She cast a glance in Jamie's direction and saw that he was looking over the edge at the ocean. Sam let a sigh. "So . . . what did that creepy girl say to you?"

Jamie looked at Sam, the corner of his mouth twitched up in a smile. "Why do you ask?"

"'Cause I'm curious," she said with her most uncaring expression. Which only seemed to add to Jamie's amusement.

"Are you sure that's why?" he asked, taking a step towards her. "Are you sure you're not jealous that a pretty girl was talking to me?"

Sam rolled her eyes. "Get over yourself!" she snapped and folded her arms across her chest. She wasn't that pretty. "I was just curious to know what was so secret that I wasn't allowed to hear it. And I know she said something about me 'cause you looked at me when she was talking."

Jamie just smiled more. "I'm not gonna tell you what she said."

"Well, what did she give you?" she asked with a glance towards his pocket.

He shook his head. "That's also private."

Sam scoffed and turned around, marching towards her house with Jamie following behind her, giggling to himself like an idiot.

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