Chapter 60

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Sam! . . . Sam! . . . " Jack shook her hard. "I will not let you die!" Jack hit her as hard as he could. Her head snapped to the side and her eyelids fluttered. She wasn't breathing. But he knew Sam, he knew the strength she had and the stubborn attitude that had pissed him off more than once.

She may have been weak, but every cell of her being was filled with Power.

If she wanted to wake up, she could.

If she wanted to live, she could.

She had the ability, she just refused to do anything to save herself.

"Say the spell!" he shouted at her. He knew that she could hear him, but she wasn't listening.

"You will NOT let us down, do you hear me? I won't let you!" He placed his hands on both of her shoulders and shook her violently. Her eyes were slightly open and the fingers on both of her hands twitched. "Your whole family died for you! Don't you dare let them down Sam! You owe them!

"Everyone gave their lives to keep you safe! For fuck sake Sam, I died for you!" He shook her harder, refusing to let her slip away. "I gave my life for you and all I ever asked in return was that you live. So don't you dare make it so that I died for nothing!"

Sam gasped, and let air go into her lungs. "You owe me," he said and looked into her eyes. "Say the spell."

Sam blinked away tears. Jack knew that she didn't want to say it, but he couldn't just stay there and watch her die. Too many people had gone already. "Say it!" Sam jumped a little. He'd never really raised his voice to her in anger before, but right now it was necessary. It was the only way to get through to her.

Slowly she took a ragged breath, and spoke quietly,

"I will not shed a tear for life—"

She paused to get some more air, but hesitated before continuing. "Keep going," Jack snarled, encouraging her to go on. He could tell that she was weak and it was painful for her to speak, but seeing her suffering through some pain was a better option than watching her die.

"For death I will not cry
I am not scared to live
And I shall never die

I feel no pain of heart
I feel no pain of mind
My body may lie broken
But in my spirit find

The power at my centre
My will that keeps me strong
Even if this body dies
My soul will carry on . . . "

The last four words echoedthroughout the room. A light shone around her, but Sam lost consciousnessbefore she could see the effects the spell would have.

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