Chapter 51

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Jamie watched Sam as she lay on her side, with her back facing him. A smile grew on his lips as he watched her body move slightly with each breath she took.

He felt complete.

It wasn't until he had Sam lying next to him that he even realised anything had been missing.

My whole life, he thought, she's what I've been waiting my whole life for.

He just hadn't realised it until now.

Not even Bethany, whom he had loved and held so dearly ever made him feel as whole as Sam did right now. 

Jamie wrapped his arm around her and lay closer to her. She jerked at his touch and then went very still. He loosened his grip, thinking he may have held her too tightly. He pushed himself up, leaning on his other arm so that he could see her face.

She said nothing. She just lay there silently and in complete stillness with her hair hiding her face from his view.

Jamie smiled at her even though she couldn't see.

He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder where her skin was exposed. "I love you Sam," he whispered, not thinking she would hear.

She jerked again. This time when he spoke. She curled herself up tighter, moving further away. Jamie sat up, now realising that she wasn't asleep. He brushed her hair away so that he could see her face. She moved, trying to bury her face in the pillow. He slid his hand under her head to try turn her towards him. His hand became wet when it touched her skin.

Jamie took his hand away and looked at the wet on his fingers. He knew before he looked at Sam's face that she was crying. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Sam didn't answer.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Sam breathed heavily, obviously trying to stop her tears. Jamie placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. She pulled away quickly, causing his hand to fall to the sheets. Sam got out of the bed and frantically started searching for her clothes.

"Sam." Jamie sat up to watch her. She didn't answer; she kept her back to him as she pulled her clothes on. "Sam." Jamie reached his hand out to her.

She pulled away before his hand had even made contact. "What did I do?" he asked as he sat on the bed, feeling helpless, not knowing what to do, or what was wrong. "What did I do?" he asked again. A lump formed in his throat, making it feel tighter as he started to panic.

Sam ignored him. She picked up her shoes and started to put them on. Jamie jumped out of the bed and stood in front of her, blocking her before she had a chance to get away. He grabbed onto her arms and tried to make her look at him.

"What did I do?" he asked yet again, his desperation for an answer evident in his voice.

Sam pushed hard against his chest, he let go of her arms and stumbled back. Without putting her shoes on, she ran out of the room. Jamie hurried to throw his trousers on, and followed her out. "What did I do?" he called.

Still, she didn't answer.

"Sam!" She kept her back to him as she opened the door. Jamie thought about following her outside. But all he could do was stand in the doorway, staring out into the night, watching as Sam ran away from him.

All the while thinking tohimself, What the hell did I do?

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