Chapter 34

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Before Jamie had even opened his eyes he knew he wasn't at home.

Sam, was his first thought; and as he opened his eyes he knew immediately that he was in her house, even though he had never before seen the inside of it. Her scent was everywhere, so he knew it was hers.

Jamie sat up and looked around slowly, pushing back the navy blanket that had been draped over his body. He tried to clear his thoughts and remember what had happened.

He'd awoken on the sofa in Sam's living room, which was strange because he didn't recall coming to Sam's house, let alone being invited inside. Jamie looked down at himself and noticed that his shirt was missing and that there was a bandage on his chest.

Slowly he peeled the bandage away, and as he moved he could feel that there was another on his back; he removed that one too, curious as to why he'd needed bandaging in the first place. But it seemed that the harder he fought to collect his memories, the further they hid away in his subconscious.

He gazed at the bandages thoughtfully, both of them were stained with blood and what appeared to be a blue dye. There was no blue mark on his chest, so he assumed there wasn't one on his back either, and there was also no scar. But then there wouldn't be a scar. As a Vampire his wounds healed themselves just moments after they occurred. Which made the fact that he had needed nursing all the more confusing.

Slowly, he got to his feet and studied the space in which he stood.

The living room in Sam's home was larger than his own; brighter in its furnishings and colouration, yet just as sparse when it came to decoration. It lacked the family photographs, trophies, and other childhood memorabilia that would usually be found within the homes of all normal humans.

All of the curtains were closed-from what he could tell at least-and luckily the fabric they were made from was heavy enough to keep him safe from the sun. Jamie could tell by the outline of light around the curtains that not only was it daytime but the sun was shining.

Strange, he thought. Last he remembered it was lashing rain.

Jamie turned back to the sofa and noticed that his shoes were on the floor beside it. He sat down and slid them on. When he looked up from his laces he saw that one of his t-shirts was folded on the table.

He picked up the t-shirt and examined it closely. It wasn't the one he'd been wearing. At least it wasn't the last one he remembered wearing. But he knew by the scent of it that it was his. He pulled it on over his head, the whole time wondering how one of his t-shirts managed to find its way to Sam's house.

Jamie stood again, looking towards the hallway as he wondered where Sam was, and whether it would be alright for him to wander her house until he found her.

With a deep breath, he stretched his senses outwards. He could hear Sam upstairs talking to someone.

"I need you to go back to whatever sources you have and find me all of the information you can on Vampire Hunters." Jamie paused at her words, flashes of memories coming back to him like bursts of lightning in his mind. He remembered going to Sam's school, taking her to his home, speaking to her, arguing with her.

She's not human either, he remembered, his mind suddenly buzzing with apprehension. Slowly, he walked out of the living room, through the hall and up the stairs, all the way wondering who she was talking to.

"What?" she asked, as if someone had said something to her. Jamie couldn't hear anyone else and couldn't sense another person in the house. He paused on the staircase for a moment. Is she talking to herself?

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