Chapter 9: What's A Name?

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Wolf's P.O.V

The cubs stared at me with wide eyes.


'She's naked!' the Aspen yelled.

Of course I'm naked. I have fur. Who needs weird human clothes when I have fur?

The Luna crouched down in front of me and stared into my eyes. 'You're a magic wolf?'

What the heck?

I looked down at my paws except - they weren't paws! I had human, pink, spread out paws! I growled and bared my teeth - but my voice was high pitched like a human's! That damn flying human did this! When I get my claws on him, I'll kill him!

'She's a human!' the Luna exclaimed, standing up.

'What else would I be?!' I snarled.

'Whoah,' the cubs said in unison.

'You can talk?' the Aspen said.

'Yes, but you two are too stupid to understand it!' I snarled. 'Now can someone explain to me what the stars is going on?!'

'We thought you would,' the Aspen replied.

'Yes, I know who that man was,' I replied calmly.

'Who?' the Luna demanded.

'I Don't Care!' I snarled. 'All I care about now is getting away from you lunatics and being a wolf again! I have hands for crying out loud!'

'Being a human isn't that bad.' the Aspen shrugged.

'And put some damn clothes on,' the Luna grunted.

'Why would I do that?' I asked. Clothes are weird, humans are weird. I hate being a human, my body feels so off balance and I can't see as well in the dark.

'Because you're naked!' the Luna yelled.

'All I care about right now is getting back.' I said.

'Getting back to what?' the Aspen replied.

'None of your business, that's what.' I snapped.

'First we've got to get you standing,' the Luna grabbed my skinny human arms and lifted me onto my back legs.

'What the heck?!' I exclaimed and stood on one spot, shaking.

'Walk,' the Luna demanded. 'You're gonna look weird crawling around town naked.'

I took one step but instantly hit the ground. 'I don't need to get used to human customs,' I snarled. 'I have to get home!'

'We're trying to help you!' the Aspen snapped. 'If you'd just tell us your name-'

'My name?' I stared at her, confused. What was my name? 'I don't have a name.'

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