Chapter 28: Birthday More Like Death Day

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Luna's P.O.V.

We were all sitting down at some benches in the park. Sokka and Aspen were talking on a bench. A lot. They were smiling and laughing and all of that cheesy stuff that couples would do.

I really wanted to hit that guy in his fucking face. He was getting too friendly with my BEST FRIEND.

I was clenching my fist in my lap and was glaring holes through Sokka's head.

Even though I really wanted to punch Sokka I needed to think of a less violent way to get Aspen away from that boy.

So I decided that I would just drag her away.

"Aspen we need to go now. Say bye to your boyfriend." I said walking up to her.

Aspen glared at me, blushing a bit.

"He is not my boyfriend." She said.

"Yeah whatever. Let's go." I said pulling her arm.

"Come on Luna, don't be rude." Aspen said.

"I'm not. We have to go now." I said.

"Where?' asked Aspen.

"To............. Um.............. The.......... the water park." I said trying to think of a place we could go to.

"The water park? What's really going on?" asked Aspen.

"That Sokka dude is getting way too close to you. I don't trust him." I said glaring at Sokka.

"Why? He helped me before." Aspen argued.

"Ok listen here Aspen. I know that you like him but NO." I said with a glare.

Aspen was blushing madly and so was Sokka.

"Come on Leon let's go." I said.

Leon said bye to the red head, Kirishima and the half and half, Todoroki and followed me and the mad Aspen.

We've been walking for a few minutes going in a random direction. Aspen was still mad about what happened in the park, but I didn't care. Leon was still complaining about his arm. Like he was important.

"Where are we going?" asked Leon.

"Hush! Somewhere." I said.

"Ok then." he answered.

"Luna, can we stop walking? I'm tired." Aspen said.

"Fine but we can't just stay here I-" I was saying as I was looking around.

Then I realized where I was leading Aspen and Leon. I was leading them back into the neighborhood of death. Where me and Aspen live.

"We're back at our parents' place," I said, looking straight at my mom's house.

"What?" asked Aspen, looking forward.

"Great! Now we can sleep in a warm house." Leon said with a smile.

"You better wipe that smile off your face. This isn't good for me." I said.

"What do you mean?" asked Leon.

"Leon take care of Aspen while I go and do something." I said.

Leon nodded slowly as he took Aspen. I could tell that he was confused.

I walked up to my mom's house and knocked on the door.

She opened it and smiled.

"My bitch of a daughter is back." she said. She was holding a glass bottle in hands.

I'm guessing she was drinking..

"Hi mom." I said trying not to make eye contact with her.

"Get inside of the house NOW!" she yelled.

"Why?" I asked.

"To celebrate your birthday, you killer." she said.

I totally forgot that it was my birthday, the day my dad died.

"You out of all people know that it wasn't my fault." I snapped at her.

"Yes it WAS!" she yelled and slapped me across the face. She slapped me so hard that my face followed her hand.

I looked up at her and glared at her.

"No. It wasn't." I said back.

"Yes, it was. If it hadn't been for you then your father would still be here.. I wouldn't have to work my ass off just to feed your stupid mouth and I would be happy! If you weren't born none of this would have happened." she said.

I really did care about what she thought of me, but when she blames me for my fathers death. It hurts.

I could feel tears run down my face. I looked down and went into the house pushing my mother out of the way.

"What are you doing here." she asked.

"Getting my car keys what else." I answered back.

"I hope you die in a crash, bitch." she replied.

"Yeah, me too." I said. I found my car keys on the dinner table and got them. I walked out of the house and went back to Aspen and Leon. Wiping my tears along the way.

"Let's go." I said when I finally made it back to them. I held out the car keys and looked at my now fixed Jeep.

I started to walk to it but Aspen and Leon didn't follow.

"Luna." Aspen said holding my arm, stopping me from walking

"I'm fine." I said knowing what she was going to say.

Aspen didn't say anything and just looked at me worried.

"Trust me Aspen I'm fine." I said.

She let go of me and I walked to the car. I started it and drove up to Aspen and Leon. They got into the car and I drove off going somewhere.

After a while of driving around town. We bumped into an old friend.

"What the heck" I said looking out of the window looking at someone who was laying in the middle of the road bleeding a lot.

"What's wrong?" asked Aspen.

I got out of the car and went to the girl. She had a few bullets in her back and she was bleeding a lot. I turned her over on her back. That should help with her breathing.

I needed to stop the blood a bit. I tore off a piece of shirt and covered the wounds on her back to help stop the bleeding.

Leon and Aspen came out of the car and saw me helping the girl

Aspen came up to us and knelt down.

"We have to help her." she said.

"I know.' I answered.

Leon lifted the girl up and walked over to the car.

This time I put a blanket on the back seat and Leon laid her on it. I drove to the abandoned candy factory and since we had nowhere else to go.  

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