Chapter 18: Finding Him

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Aspen's P.O.V.

'What the fuck is happening?' I grumbled. 'First she's a wolf hybrid with wings, now she's a fucking mutant wolf?'

"COMPUTER, ABOVE!" Someone random yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL IS A COMPUTER?" Rookie shouted, confused.

"Well, it is like a phone but..." Leon started, but got caught off by Luna.


An old fashioned computer came falling down and crashed right in front of Rookie.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU HUMANS!" Rookie, yelled and jumped back.

"What the fuck is wrong with us? What the fuck is wrong with you and your psycho family!" I said.

"Hey! DO NOT call Chris my family!" Rookie said in the sternest voice I have heard from her.

"Okay! Okay!" I said, throwing my hands innocently in the air.

"So, what do we do now?" Luna asked.

"We find Chris." Rookie said, staring at where he was floating.

"Okay! He left without a trace so how are we supposed to do that?" I asked., looking at Luna.

"I don't know?" Luna said.

"Well then who does know?" I asked, looking around at everyone. "Seriously! No one?"

"I know!" Leon said, but stopped talking and looked at Rookie.

"Well, tell us!" Luna yelled.

"Somehow!" Leon said, laughing.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Me, Luna and Rookie yelled in unison.

"I was kidding! Lighten up!" Leon said, his smile fading.

"You do understand that Rookie's lunatic creator is out there somewhere in this damn world, probably planning to kill someone!" I said.

"Sorry, Jeez!" Leon said.

"So, what was your plan to find her father??" Luna asked, obviously getting annoyed.

"Oh yah! Rookie can find him." Leon said.

"What do you mean I can find him?" Rookie said.

"My brother created you with some of his DNA, so you should be able to find or feel him. You just have to concentrate." Leon said, like it was obvious.

"How am I supposed to feel a man that I have been running away from my whole fucking life?!" Rookie yelled, looking right at Leon. It was kind of creepy.

"You just have to be calm and try." Leon said, trying to calm her.

"I CAN'T BE CALM!" Rookie yelled.

"And why is that." Leon said. Me, Luna and Zurjo just stood back and watched from afar, thinking someone was probably gonna die and that someone was gonna be Leon.

"I can't be calm because. . . .because. . . .BECAUSE, WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO FIND HIM!" Rookie said.

Everyone gasped as if this were a movie and the most unexpected victim died.

"Why don't you want to find him?" I asked in a calm voice.

"Because I have been running away from this man my whole life!" Rookie said "I don't want to get him back."

"But, if we find him we will let you kill him or do whatever else you want to with him!" I said with a smirk.

"Well. Okay. I will try." Rookie said, finding a good place to be calm and Zen

"How about here?" Luna said, pointing at a boulder.

"That's perfect!" Rookie said, and sat down on the rock.

"You should crisscross your legs. That's what people in movies do when they are trying to be calm." Luna said.

"Umm. . .okay?" Rookie said and crisscrossed her legs.

After about 2 minutes Rookie looked at Luna and said "Crisscrossing your legs doesn't help at all. It's just uncomfortable."

We all laughed and Rookie uncrossed her legs. A few more minutes went by.

"Guys, it also doesn't help when you are staring at me." Rookie commented.

"Okay, sorry." we all said.

A few more minutes went by and Rookie finally said "I FOUND HIM!"

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