Chapter 30: Shake

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Aspen's P.O.V.

We walked into the abandoned candy factory and Leon put the girl down on a table in the middle of the dusty building.

"We have to find some stuff to use." I said.

"Lucky for you, I kept the tweezers and the... " Luna started.

"The what?" I asked.

"Nothing." Luna said.

"What is nothing?" I asked.

"Fine, I also took the alcohol." Luna said.

"What is wrong with that?" I asked.

"I might have drank it." Luna said and took out the bottle.

"We'll talk about it later right now we have to help the girl." I looked at the alcohol container and saw a little bit of alcohol left.

"Hand me the bottle." I said.

"Why? There is nothing left to drink." Luna said but handed me the bottle anyways.

"Luna I don't wanna drink it. There is a bit of alcohol left." I said.

I grabbed a table and and put the alcohol on it Luna put the tweezers on it.

I started taking the bullets out one by one. Blood and muscle tissue was stuck to them so I had a hard time doing it without injuring the girl even more.

When I was done, I dabbed the wounds with alcohol and covered the cuts with bandages.

"I am finished," I said.

Luna and Leon walked over to me and we all sat down on the sofa behind me. I started thinking about Sokka and how beautiful his eyes were. I thought about what it would be like to kiss him or hug him. I wanted another few minutes with him.

I sighed and got a weird feeling in my right hand. I looked down at it and it was shaking. I tried to stop it, but it wouldn't stop. I looked past Leon, who was practically asleep and signaled for Luna to get up and come. I got up and walked over to the other side of the room.

"What do you need?" she asked.

I told her about the feeling and my hand.

"Do you think it's shaking because of the bite?" Luna asked.

"I don't know." I said. "But... "

"But, what?" Luna asked.

"I was thinking about Sokka right before it started shaking." I answered.

"What were you thinking about?" Luna asked.

"Okay, don't get mad." I said.

"Why would I get mad?" Luna asked.

"Because it might not be what you want to hear." I said.

"Just tell me and then I will decide if I am mad or not." Luna said.

"I was thinking... I was thinking about what it would be like to-" I started, but got cut off by the girl on the table.

"We should go check on her." I said, trying to get out of telling her.

"Just tell me quick and then I will either get mad or not. And then we might or might not go check on her." Luna said.

"Okay, fine." I said and then paused.

I took a deep breath and started speaking "I was thinking about what it would be like to kiss Sokka." I said it as quickly as I could.

"Oh. Umm." Luna said, probably processing.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"Why would I be mad?" Luna asked.

"Because you literally dragged me away from Sokka." I said.

"I was never mad, I just didn't like how he was taking you away from me." Luna said, softly.

"We'll always be friends you know, even if I do get together with Sokka. Well, that is if I ever see him again." I said.

"You might." Luna said.

"Oh and I know you were mad! I am your best friend, I know all!" I said, with a laugh.

"Where the hell am I?" I heard the girl say.

Me and Luna smiled, looked at each other and walked over to the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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